SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATION REQUESTS Current Annronriations Recuested For 1235-36 1936- 1237-38 1938-39 1. Salaries and Wares $615,000 615,000 707,250 707,250 2, Additional Instructors ae -+- 97,090 7,000 3. Maintenance 175,000 175,000 275,000 275,000 4, Repairs & Improvements 45 ,000 45,000 55,000 55,000 5. Chancellor's Contingent Fund 250 250 500 50% 6. Geolozical Survey 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000. 7. Firemen's Short Course 500 500 500 500 8. Completion of Dyche Museum --- --- 55,000 == 9. Library Stack Bxtension --- wee 75,000 75,000 10. Watkins Dormitory Service Connection --- --- 5,000 --- 1l. Snecial Laboratory Equipment “a --- 7,500 --- Totals 4660 , 750 %60,750 1,302,750 1,235,250 For details, see followins pases.