MAINTENANGB Requested For 1930-31 1936-37 491937-38 1938-39 Maintenance $250 ,000 175,000 275,000 25,000 Reasons for increase 1. The present avrrovriation is $75,000 less than that in 1930 when the enrollment was 370 less. If the children of today are to have educational onportunity equal to that offered those of 1930, the avnropriation should be increased as indicated. 2. The 1935 lerislature cut the apnropriation $16,250 each year of the 1936-37 bienniun, directing the University to use accumulated reserves to cover the reduction and meet any additional needs imposed by increased enrollment. The reserves havins been depleted, an annronriation increase of 325,000 is needed to main- tain the current inadeauate maintenance budzet. 3. Durinz the depression years the price of many essential articles and services did not decrease (fuel, water, sas, nostazce, boo'ts and periodicals, telephone service, scientific annaratus, typewriters, etc.). In order to maintain these essential items, the maintenance allowance for most administrative offices and in- structional denartments had to be cut out of nroportion to the anpropriation reductiƩn. Two inevitable results followed, and still exist: first, many immortant class and general services were drastically curtailed or eliminated; and second, regular replacement of classroom, laboratory and office equipment was either greatly reduced or postponed indefinitely, thus making each year a more critical accwmlation of needs. 4. The price level is advancing steadily.