o Sm Thare are two pringiple types of exercises--the light and the heavy, the witethentes end the gymnastics. The first are commonly what we eal] setting- up exerciges, They aro designed te put en edge on you end to give you that guadiness "to go at it," whieh the pitcher gets by his “warming ups* These exercices you get in your Club Gymeaius or the privecy of your own home, The only conson sense you have to exercise about these is not to aise thea and not The second ie the heavy exercises, or the gymnastics, and about these I want to alk more in detail. | You appreciate, I's eure, thet it doeen't sake auch di lawyer, a dooter, s clerk, e stenogrepher, a bank president, or a copporstion heeds thore is a certein uiniaws of physicel developnent you must haves Thus, you showld be able to stand up straight and keep your internal orgens from gagging, Your beck end leg auseles should be strong enough te give you sere end grace of novenent, and to enable you to walk, run and junpe golf club, en axe, or a raquet, to throw o bali, to row a boast, to paddle « cance, te pull « rope, te control « horse, end to swim, All of these you should be able to do without fatigue and with positive pleagures But thet*s the sinimus, the lowest safety line. If you are wise you'll not be gatiefied with the ainiaua, but will seek to develep « wide aargin of safety. In teking your heavy exeralse, choose those that are sost natural, Take them in the open, Lf you cen, end let it be recreation rather than exerciase Walking,