BUILDINGS Ee $60 ,000 The present Clinic Building cannot be used until some physical connection is made with the main hospital plant. A Connecting Corridor is proposed, to be 200 feet long, 30 ~ 50 feet wide and two stories high, The basement would provide much-needed cold storage facilities and isolated quarters for the morgue and post-~ mortem room. The second floor would provide (1) room for a cancer clinic, and (2) more adequate quarters for the x-ray department, Expansion of the x~ray department, an im- portant income producer, waits on larger quarters, 2. Negro Ward - ~ -» +--+... . a ~~ = $75,000 A three-story unit is proposed to handle 40 patients. The basement will be an annex to the storeroom; the two upper floors will be wards. The unit would have a deliy- ery and operating suite = complete facilities for instruc- tion of Negro medical students. It would replace the present temporary wooden Negro Ward. 3+ Addition to Power Plant, with Equipment --~--...-..- $60 ,000 The present Power Plant is unable to provide heat for the new Clinic Buflding and the Childrens Pavilion, The Power Plant Addition would remedy this situation, and in addition would provide more space for the overcrowded laundry and for the maintenance shops, 4. Completion and Equipment of New Units a. Completion of Chéldrens Pavilion ----.-j-... $24,000 Due to lack of funds the third and fourth floors and the basement remain unfinished, Completion of the basement would provide a much-needed class- room large enough to accommodate the Medical School classes, At the present time the third and fourth floors have no partitions. b. Equipment for Childrens Pavilion - ~+«.#«..«..... $9,500 This includes installation of an elevator and provision for enough furniture to care for oO additional patients. « 1h w