d. BUILDINGS - cont. . Completion of Clinic Building - - - - - “_ manne $28,000 Neither the second nor third floor has any partitions. Without completion of these floors the use of the building will be greatly restricted. Equipment for Clinic Building - - - - - “see oe $19,750 This includes two elevators, kitchen equipment and refrigeration, furniture, etc. Warehouse Blevator and Doors ~-------- 7-7 ~ $2,000 Due to lack of funds doors and an elevator had to be postponed. X-Ray Equipment for Connecting Corridor - ----- $11,750 Much of the present x-ray equipment is anti- quated and badly worn, It should be replaced with new, modern equipment, adequate to handle the increasing service demands. The item re- quested while insufficient will care for the major part of the needs for the next triennium. Equipment of Négro Ward - - ------+----7 7 $10,000 This includes an elevator, opernting room equipment, and general equipment for the wards. NOTE: Items 1, 3, 4a and 4e are requested for 1937+38; items 2, 4b, 4a, Ye, Uf and 4g are requested for 193839. & 15%