July 12,1938. , 3 You will probably recall that early in the spring we suggested thet the walls‘of the swimming pool be redecorated this summers One of the University painters bas submitted a design, and estimated that the job would cost eround $150.00. I am sende ing hie design to you so that you my see what wo leve in minds can to Z belfeve it very ach worth while to do anything we | $0 Sagres the appoarance ef the swimming pool. [ft necds painting badly, end this tropical seonory painted on the walls would adi greatly to its attractivencss. : IP the cost of this jcb could bo handled through Mre » we would, of course, be Geeply grateful. I believe mentioned such @ possibility. zs this sonnestion I would like to call attention te the mon*s bath room in the basement of the , siume This reom is entirely walled up with tile, and this | needs painting very badly. Gp Memtering Sf tks Olen SURES be Come Garing The Sete We shell appreciate anything you oan do for use a Hel Director af Paysiee! Einsctiony Varsity Basketball Coach. duly 13, 1938. Oatober 3= 7. I would Miho wory such 40 siti Ste setting With appreciation ef your consideration, I am Very sineerely yours, ' Direetor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Ceaeh. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR | July 15, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allien University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I regret to advise you that the out-of-state travel budget for 1958-39, recently approved by the Chancellor, does not include an allowance for your attendance at the meeting of the American Association for Health and Physical Education. As a general policy, the budget referred to the Chancellor by the Committee does not include allowance for meetings of a departmental rather than of a divisional nature. In addition, due to our restricted budget, we have not found it possible, in recent years, to send all. divisional heads to association meetings every year. Members of your staff who plan to read papers at association meetings may be eligible for a grant from the Graduate Research travel fund. I suggest that they take this matter up with Dean Stouffer. Sincerely yours, EV:R Ex ve Secretary P. S. Your request for an allowance to attend the meeting of the National Recreation Association has just reached me from the Chancellor. I shall be gled to refer it to the Committee at its next meeting,later in the summer. dume 22, 1938¢ pee x csdy newion theme things to pat: out that T hawe : absorbed in physdeal education and athletic works 1 wilt apostate your sat your oxmtttoate surat —O Diveetor of Physical Riucation, Ae ( Elizabeth Dunkel Ce Allen | Physical ena : oh ‘Yawrence to Siow City ty, feu, 1s S65 Association | or April mdloas round ‘zip far two oare, 1460 es ee ae a2 6 © & 2975000 ~ $5400 per day for “persous eae... new Retdemal comvewti.on Sen Froucicon, 4 $7560 $26650 38-00 £17950 for ligalth ani Physical & Weys é FOR SIOUX CITY, IOWA - Central District Meeting of National Health and Physical Education Association Forrest Ce. Allen Edwin Re Elbel Vernon We. Lapp Ruth Hoover Elizebeth Dunkel Herbert G. Allphin James Raport FOR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA » National Meeting of National Health and Physical Education Association Forrest Ce Allen | Dre Stock, Columbia, : ; Safety Education “My Basketball Bible", 1923 | : Dre Jay 3. Nash Orgenization and Administration of Higher Education in America « Dre Lloyd "Physical Education end Athletics" Edited by Kent, published by Ginn & Coe Dre Jessie Feiring Williems, 1929 Columbia. "Better Basketball", 1937 ’ Dr. Fritz Maroney McGraw-Hill Book Coe N.Ye Dre McCloy Mr, Anderson, Recreation Directors — University of Kansas Lawrence Office of The Chancellor May 16, 1936 TO DEANS AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS: Sr In order to keep within the out-of-state travel allowance set by the Board of Regents it is necessary for us to make up a bud- get for the fiscal year starting July 1, 1938. Will you kindly send to the Chancellor's Office sometime this week your recommendation on out-of-state travel which it is de- sirable that members of your staff make next year at state expense. This should include the name of the individual, the purpose of the trip, the approximate dates and probable place, and the estimated total cost distributed between railroad fare, Pullman, hotel roon, and meals. It is suggested that the report be made on the attached form. Trips made under grants from the Graduate Resoarch fund should not be included. These items will be covered in the Graduate School request. Your attention is called to the new Kansas law requiring that we file with the State Auditor the advance written arproval of the Board of Regents on all out-of-state travel. Requests made after the 1038-'39 travel budget is apnroved should be anticipated far enough in advance for their inclusion in the regular Board of Regents minutes, which are writton on the 15th of the month. Cordially vours, EB. H. LINDLEY, Chancellor. GA \ Ls * d ~ Ay, Sie ONY x j bs ys \o ] ¥ ee i dime 4, 19358, ‘Thaniing you, end with best wishes, Iam _ Sincerely yours, FOAsAH Varsity taskothall Coach. May 15, 1958. ations Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, Also to Prof o We We Davis Karl Klooz Re Ce Moore George Nettles Tom Van Cleave THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR May 7, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: After some effort the organized religious groups of the University have succeeded in securing the University Christian Mission for next fall during the week of October 23 to 28. We trust that this program will be of great in- terest and importance to all students and faculty members who are interested in religious life on the campus. We have assurance of notable speakers. The Student Committee has asked me to extend to you an invitation to be a member of the General Committee. There will be a meeting of this committee on Wednesday, _ May 11, at_4tp. m, in the Pine Room of the Union Building, to be addressed by Dr. Paul Braisted, campaign secretary of the University Christian Mission. I sincerely trust that you may find it possible to accept. : We are fortunate to secure the services of this Mission. I believe it will result in much benefit to all concerned. Faithfully yours, Chancellor EHL:R May Gy 1038. , 4 ; ‘tion meeting at Atlanta, Ceorgia, on April 20 ~ 235. it was e decided help to me in gaining inform} “ion and inspiration im the work that wo are doings | Previously I hed attemied the Stete Hoalth and Physical “dueetion Association meoting at Pi Kansas, on March 26, and the regional meeting at _ iimneapolis, Mimesote, on March 30, 51, April 1, 2, om my ow initiative and expense. : : Ail these meetings end contacta heve been very helpful to me, and 1 appreciate your !cindnesse © Very comiially youre, Director of Physical Education, POAsi I Varsity basketball Coache ‘e. ‘May 10, 1988. Chancellor EB. Hi. Lindley, Saeeeeesty of Saeate Dear Chenecllor Lindley: i wish to recommend a change in rauk for Mire dim He Raport fron Assistant Instructor to Instructor in Physical Education, dbegiming the next academic years tre Taport will reonive his Mster‘s degree this | dune in the Department of Psychology. If this recommendation is in leeping with the , OS Eey OF Us SAREE ee SNES SprEREND AUErOreR of this change in rank for Mrs Rnporte a 3 py weiss Mireetor of Physical Fducations THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Office of The Chancellor May 7, 1938 TO DEANS AND HEADS OF DEPARTMANTS; Please send to the Chancellor's Office, at your earliest convenience, the names of any students from your department who have been awarded honors or prizes or have been appointed to fellowships in other institu- tions for the coming year. This information is for use in the Commence- ment program. Your prompt cooperation will greatly assist the Printing Committee. Sincerely yours, E,. H. LINDLEY, Chancelior We have been unable to use basket room.for several months, and because of Mmited fumds have not purchased a new motor for this fame lire Raymond Crow, of the Department of Buildings aud Growids, secured an estimate of the cost of such a motor fran the Anorican Blower Corporation of Kenses City, which is $47.00 net fede. factory. | E E B to maintain hygienic conditions it is very ‘ mecessery to have a fan in this room to keep the air ciroulatings fenp, sweaty Clothes are placed in the baskets, and the fan is greatiy needed to aid in drying the garments. — fae re | The estimated cost of a new fan for the base- ment is $71.50 net f.o0ebs factorye This now fan would be placed between the versity dressing room and the new fresiman dressing | eid in the cirevlation of air between the toilets at the north and south ends of the eareawaye. There is a wall projecting letione The warn efr from the hair dryer and the todle’s is very I trust that you will give this matter your Sincerely yours, Tireotor of Physiesl Education. Pebruary 25, 1950. Chameelior Be Ue Lindley, University of lansate I thanked you persomilly for the wire Sunday, but I wish to ict you imow that I read it to the boys and thay all te appreciate it very mushs ; seaned It was e tough Might. The have not decided whether they would buy me a anell cage that I d carry or whether I should have a trench helmet, a fencer*s mask, or a Raman Wo are just boginuing te discover that Nebrasia doas not like visitors. Or maybe it is tue kind of visitors they haved Very coniially yours Misector af Phystea! iueattion, THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS = 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE . SYMBOLS This is a full-rate ee al - Telegram or Cable- NM = Night Message gram unless its de- NL=Night Letter ferred character is in- dicated by a suitable ; ( 4 6 LC = Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- } wae NLT = Cable Night Letter ee ee smmcoue eam 73 aegiemuueven— L__shipRadiowam 7 The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination. . Received at 121 South 10th | St., Lincoln, Neb. “Gpzn* Telephone B6894 958 FER of PM & 47 'WMA299 2h=LAWRENCE KANS 26 523 . P 26 F C ALLE . o, . ROTEL CORNHUSKER L4NCOLN NEBR= AT NORMAN BOYS SHOWED THEY CAN FACE HANDICAP OF GREAT CROWD» SUPPORTERS OF OTHER TEAM+ WE ARE CONFIDENT THEY CAN DO IT AGAIN TONIGHT= E H LINDLEY- THERE IS NO DEPENDABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR WESTERN UNION TIME g é 3 is Tite | uli ! Ban jete agia® i iN cd me ue Le Gel Tj | ih ial ay i ap set ita a ai tit f E ae g nF at | is ral aie Hit 3 THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOLS DL = Day Letter This is a full-rate : cekcetem or- oar NM = Night Message gram unless its de- - NL = Night Letter ferred character is in- ( 2 4 ) dicated by a suitable LC = Deferred Cable she gets pileeg NLT =Cable Night Letter cone R. B, WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON | J.C. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of -eceipt is STANDARD — at point of destination. a at 305 Main Street, Ames, lowa. Phone 45 & 46 033 FFR 5} py 5 «58 IMR J 18. Ti S=LAWRENCE KANS 21 525P BR Ff C ALLEN= THE FIELD HOUSE [OWA STATE COLLEGE TELL THE BOYS WE ARE COUNTING ON A NO = SLUMP TEAM TONIGHT= E H LINDLEY. THERE IS NO DEPENDABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR WESTERN UNION TIME The University of Kansas Lawrence Office of The Chancellor January 18, 1938 TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS: Your attention is called to the newly adopted policy of the Association of American Universities in regard to appointment of graduate assistants: Any appointee to a graduate student assistantship for the following year, when he is not a member of the institution involved, shall have until April 15 to accept or decline the appointment. As a member of the Association, we are expected to follow this policy. Your cooperation will be ereatly arpreciated. Cordially yours, E. H. LINDLEY, Chancellor. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOLS This is a full-rate : DL = Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NM = Night Message gram unless its de- NL = Night Letter ferred character is in- a coe a a suitable 30 D LC = Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- T =Cabl ceding the address. a Wit acon R. B. WHITE . NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT _ CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination. Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 938 FEB t PM 8 ON IKAH336 10 COLLECTSUD KANSASCITY MO. 1 745P DR FORREST C ALLEN= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS KR SORRY TO MISS GAME GIVE TEAM M by fs $35, G0 THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE February 5, 19584 Chancellor Ee UH. Lindley, - University of Kansase Thank you very much for your telegram of yesterday mornings The boys grently appreciated your good wishete ' As you probably know, Wiss Hoover umderwent a major operation — fibroid, last woek at the Trinity Lutheran Hospital in Kansas Citye We receive progress reports through Drs and Miss Hoover's condition is quite satisfactory, but it will be two or three weeks before she will be able to engage in active — | ‘Durimg enrollment time a heavy burden has fallen on Mies Dukel, not only because of Miss Hoover's absemee, but also because we were umable to retain Mrs. Bauman the second semesters | I em enclosing an appointment blenk for Mrss Hagel Cobb, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, who hes teken a great deal of work here in our own department. In addition to her regular duties, Mrs. Cobb is handling basketball and advanced swimming classes for Miss Noovere She also is working with the Quack Club, WeleAs, and women's intrenuralee It will be mecessary for us to use one or two senior girls who majorg in our department to take over same of the work that lirse Bauman handled. I am sure you can wuiderstand our dilemm, . bub we are doing the best we can under the clroustancess We are keeping on the job, and I just wanted you to mow that we are going forward the best we can under a rather diffi- cult situations Sincerely yours, minster of Migetiiks ndue Varsity Basketball Coaches January 10, 1955¢ Chancellor Ee Hy, Lindley, University cf Fansase Tear Chencolior Lindleys Theale you for your letter of 7th in which you approve comtinuation of Mirse Bauman : t ! i Director of Physical Varsity Basketball Coathe g 8 . December 14, 1987. - Chancellor f. H. Lindley, Miversity of Kansase Deax Chencellor Lindley: . Miss Hoover and t have talked several tines this foll resarding the possibility of finding same one to replace Mrse Yauman for the sotond semester in the Physical Education department. I am sending you a copy of a letter that I received fran Miss Neover on December 2, which is self} explanatory’ I am also sending you a copy of a letter that IL wrote to Dean Selwogler on October 28 this year which had to do with the swmer session budget. The reason I an sending it to you now is to call especial attertion to the paragraphs marized with red pencil, This explains why we heave difficulty; ol salary. It is not true in the other fields beceuse shicinn paniiha din Aakee work: for hele mentees Gogres at they are happy to do so, but it is the end of the road so far as the physical education people are concerned mtil we are in position to offer a master's degree in physical educations, i am wondering if it would be possible to cou. tinue ree Bauman for the secom! semester, and then under no circunstances continue the seteup for uext year, and just do the best we cane Of course, you have noticed what “Sse Hoover has to say regarding Dre Sherbon's leave of absences. i aa not informed on this point, but an passing tho information on to you for your attentions . Very sincerely yours, Dedember 6, 1937.6 Chancellor Ee He Lindley, University of Kensase Dear Chancelicr Lindley: : i sad te (had Gc bo te otteeiee at the University Senate meeting on Tuesday afternoon at 4:30. However, it will be necessary for me to leave at 5 o'clock for a light luach and preliminary conference with the basketball team prior to our game So ee ee i. trust you will excuse mee Varsity faskotball Consh, Director, Physical Education Dept.