February 14, 1942. Mr. Ernest R. Alibert, of Schools, Smith Center, Kansas. Dear Superintendent Allbert: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 12th instant concerning Frank Pattee, who is a candidate for one of the Summerfield Scholarships. T am mot a member of the Summerfield Scholarship Committee, but I am very happy to refer your letter to Dean J. H. Nelgon, who is on the committee. Professor Olin Templin ise chairman of the committee, but confidentially, I believe it might harm the boy for me to recommend him to Professor Templin. He has not been friendly toward athletics, and frankly if the boy has any athletic skill I believe'a state- ment from me would not help any. I trust that you will pardon me for writing you in this manner, but I went to do what is best for Frank's welfare. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.