Recroational iiethod of Teaching Skills in Physical Lducatione Problem: To find e method of teaching «kills in Physical !iducation consistent with the seneral educational aims end the modern psychological knowledge of the individuel and his lesrnin: process. Procedure 3 \ Two equated groups of fourteen students each were used. Group A taught by the fraditional additive parts method. Group B taught by the functional pattern *r Recreational methods Groups met separetely for a period of seven weeks, twice a week. The students knew nothing of the experiment in progress Conclusions:.,, and Results:: Group B learned the skills more quickly and better than did the students in group A Groups were scored by six members of the University of Kansas Fencing team, as groups and as individuals, from 1 to 5¢ poor to excellent). Group A received a group score of "2" or 'fair'. Group B receivod a group score of 4 or ‘very good’. 64.2% of students in group A ranged between poorto fair. 85.7% of studentsg in A were scored 2 or below. “0% of students in A had score of 4. Group B 21.4% were betwecn fair-good} 23 78.6% wero judged good-verygood33—4e.. a very significant differomce here in the two groupse Avorage score for Group A (additive parts) was 1.48 Average score for Group B( Recreational ) was 329 4 On tho basis of the results obtained we believe that the proposed Recrestional method wiil be of advantage both th the learner and the Instructor whon used in teaching sfills in Physical Educatione ‘James Raport Instructor in PHys. Ede Varsity —