A wre A Study in Testing in Gymnasium Class Basketball. i. eo wennedy.. Pirector of Phersacal Education and Intramural PACS Ges TOL. Boys Westport Senior High School, Kansas City, Mo. Summary of Data. + OSLCIVE points. eee Negative points. SCG.UD, SLOG a oe owe, POC PONS S Ci ie cece 1084. Spot Snots------------ AEB Personal fouls------- 413. Pree Whrows-— si 243), Violations----------- Ol4. PS SG So ea ey , Mumbles----------- EE Ob Twas 0> QOS -—- a= -- =r O4. EXCESSIVE dribpiine: 117. Individuel) Devense-———- D0 « Otis am Ce an O cas 40. ote ae eee -15. Leaving Feet--------—-— Wen Bee a. Batting ball------ CEE SIC. BDO PLT Cs SS ace cer ae ge 2. TO pak. Goo. total wo40. Total--7Z21 points. There were 296 boys tested. Average Score was ~ 2, OOd an Dheeran £¢ was from plus 40 to negative ¢4, 12% of sophomore classes made a negative score while "BG. Of Sanior-senior classes made a negative SCORE. Conclusions: 1. Gives the o.hysica! education instructor an opportunity to grade objectively the class under game conditions. oie leisr,o decided notivating influence on the group. % More stress should be placed on ball handling during our BUG 8 = Gaental Sievers