Te 8. 10. ide LEADERSHIP TRAINING SECTION RECREATION DIVISION, A.A.H.P.E.R. SAN FRANCISCO, APRIL 4 = 9:00 AND APRIL 5 - 2:30 A TENTATIVE LIST OF SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION BY PANEL MEMBERS AND OTHERS How can colleges and universities augment their present staffs to give the additional training necessary with the recent official inclusion of recrea- tion in responsibilities of physical education? Should the American Association for Health, Physicel Education and Recreation set standards of facilities needed for adequate presentation of recreational experiences to workers in training? What laboratory facilities and experiences should be provided undergraduate end graduate students? Are space areas available on which to conduct additional recreation training experiences, i.e., play areas, game rooms, theatre stages and workshops, craft rooms, art studios and galleries, nature study and museum rooms, music studios and similar areas where the broad program of recreational interests may be presented so that prospective workers may "Learn by doing"? Should sociology or physical education be the location of leadership in our colleges and universities in the preparation of recreational workers? Should unified administration of student recreation opportunities on the campus be a corollary to the offering of professional courses in this field? Will the officiel inclusion of recreation in the program of Physical Educa— tion demand closer scrutiny of candidates for training before admission is granted? What tests and evaluations are needed? Will colleges actually select and choose between prospective teacher-—cendidates or will additional candidates be welcomed on a "student-number" basis? What should be done in the scheduling of teaching time of University staff members to allow for time spent in necessary leadership of campus recrea- tions on Saturdays, week-ends and evenings? Should the public schocl physical education teacher have his working schedule "staggered" to allow for time spent in leadership outside of the usual school day hours? How can the accumulation of a large number of case studies be collected to determine the effect and relative importence of such factors as Sex, age, education, nationality, income and natural environment on the use of leisure? How can there be made case studies of group behavior, i.e., the study of the leisure time behavior of the communities, the investigation of the effect of climate and topography, type and status of econcmy, opportunities provided by commercial and non-commercial recreational agencies?