RESEARCH SECTION Thursday, March 30, 1959 2 $ OO PeMe Chairman: Dre Ve We Lapp, Asst. Professor, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KansaSe Summarizer: Mre Ralph A. Piper, Asst. Professor, Depart- ment of Physical Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. ce iw ae «ow a ae ne wee ere ir eer ni rr lO rr er OC ere hlUc rc rr oO re US eS FB OT er U.S hh ShUme le TESTS OF CHANGE OF DIRECTION AS MEASUREMENTS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF MOTOR ABILITY. Donald De Gates, Instructor of Physical Education, Horace Mann Junior High School, Fargo, North Dakotas 2. TESTS OF MOTOR EDUCABILITY FOR FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD GRADES. Aileen Carpenter, Instructor ef Physical Education, Teacher's College of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri. 3. THE RESPONSE’ OF THE HEART TO VARIOUS TYPES OF EXERCISE. Dre We We Tuttle or Le Es Morehouse, Department of Physiol- ogy, College of Medicine, State University of Iowa, Lowa City, Iow.. 4, THE RECREATIONAL METHOD OF TEACHING. James He Raport, Instructor, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase 5. A FURTHER STUDY OF DIURNAL VARIATION IN REACTION TIME. Drse Ee Re Elbel and V. We. Lapp, Asst. Professors, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase 6. POSTURE IN A NEW LIGHT. Dr. C. Re Green, Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri. 7. TIME ELEMENT IN SECONDARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Ralph Ballin and Ray B. Singer, Instructors of Physical. Education, St. Louis Public Schools, Ste Louis, Missouri.