Ce 1. Immodiate assist, a pass ma de to a playor who scores a field goale 2. Secondary assist, the pass directly preecding an immediate assist. 3. Brror of omission, 2 mistake in judgment or observation, such as a failure to pass to a tearmate who is in a better position for scoringĀ» 4. Held ball obtained by an opponent, a playor having complete control of the ball and by poor judgment or poor technique on his part an opponent is able to "tie him up" to such an extent thas an official calls a heid ball. 5e Team efficiency, team positive ovaiuation points team positive plus negative evaluation points 6. Player efficiency, player's positive ovaluation points be player's positive pilus nogative evaluation points 7e Scoring ability index, number of goals times por cont of goals made plus one= half (free throws times per cont of free throws mado) 8. Ball hondling error rate, ball handling errors good catches plus good passes plus ball handling errors Team Analysis By using the technique outlined, data were collected on the Kansas tcam during nine home games and on the opponents during the last three home gamoSe From this material comparisons were made on the Kansas team using the averages for the four non-conference games and for the fivo conference gamese In the last three home games, the Kansas team was compared with its opponentse Different styles of basketball would umdoubtedly yield a different average for the number of shots, passes, ctce The frequency of these occurrences are listed as follows: TABLE le Nine Game Averages le Scores 4257 points 2. Goals: attompted 61.5; made 16.5; %26e9 3e Free throws: attempted 16; made 9056; %59e7 4. Personal fouls: 1042 5e Offensive personal fouls: .78 6. Violations: 3 of 7 Rebounds from own backboard: 2145 8. Rebounds from opponent's backboard: 2265 9. Passes and good catches: 361.65 passes; 345 eatchos 10. Wild passos: total 7.57; out of bounds, 267; to opponents, 49 lle Held balis: obtained by opponents, 3el 12. Fumbles: total 6.1; out of bounds, 3el; to opponents, 3 13- Tapped ball: out of bounds, led 14. Jump ball: tapped and recovered ovm jump ball, 22 15. Juap ball: recovers teammateo's jump ball, 10.8 16. Assists: total, 24; immediate, 13; secondary, ll 17. Evaluation points: 1103.0 - 7352 = 1029.8 points per game 18. Evaluation points per player per minute of play: 5.14 points 19. Evaluation points per score: 24.1 points 20. Team cfficioncy: 95.8% It is interesting to note that there are 16.3 more passes than catchese If one adds the fumbles (6.1) and the wild passes (7e57), the difference is al~ most erasede When one considers the possibilitics for offensive mistakes, it would appear that the negative evaluation points (732) is relatively lowe