be backboards = Kansas securing 78 while the visitors were collecting 40 reboundse The recovery of rebounds seems to be the most outstanding difforence in the teanse The ball handling of the teams shows that Kansas caught and passed 2041 times and the opponents 1092 timese This difference could be ontirely due to various styles of plays However, when one considers the errors in ball handling, such as wild passes, fumbles and held balls obtained by opponents, we see that Kansas made 55 errors and the opponents made 57 orrors in ball handling.e While the number of errors remained about the same, it should be pointed out that the opponont's ball handling error rate (4.9%) was almost twice that of the home team (246%). In considering the total negative evaluation points, both Kansas and the opposition made. about the same number of mistakes (237 for Kansas and 244 for the visitors). However, Kansas earned 3327 positive evaluation points as compared to 1997 positive evaluation points earned by the opponentse When these figures are re= duced to playing efficiency, we find that the home team has a playing efficiency of 934% as compared with 89.1%. The data show that for cach score point the visitors carned 17e2 evaluation points and Kansas earned 2262 evaluation pointse By deducting the 5 evalua tion points for each score point one secs that 12.2 evaluation points were carned as com= pared with 1742 for Kansas, While Kansas had the ball earning the extra cvaluation points it is certain that the opposition was not scoringe However, as pointed out previously, the various styles of play may offect the total number of evaluation points, but the style should not have a great deal of effect on errors in ball hand- linge In making direct comparisons between specific teans, & summary table made up from the cvaluation summaries shows much the same facts as the totals between Kansas and the oppositions TABLE IV, Summary from Evaluation Chart: 2s | Sm = ¢ = “n 4 & = & ef f= ™~ >» & vis 5 3 , €3 2. $5 ke am OB ‘< Pa ys ¥ ~—> *, 2. = Ss E> ke we ~~ ¥ 5s ££: 42 3 “S& us ie Q VY; Se S ic VQ Sy Ut _ = SS « $2. & os > SS“ OS RY . 2 se s + (22% *% Sea ze 2 Fw & OS VY SFSE oF OesSe — = 9 SF wet sy BWELVys —— aw ew YT C6 LC C6 URS hl le School A $3 12 16 9 56 15 18 441 Bo9 41 91 44% Kansas 35 16 35 3 37 5 27 738 345 ° 438 9149 School B 33 15 29 3 60 8 26 326 74 24 86 66 Kansas so fe @.a a0 63 9 10 680 let 66 96 26 Senool C a6 iz 80 iz 51 13 13 325 5_8 20 89el