Te School A played the hane team fairly even on most of the comparisons cx- cept that they could not hit the goal, making only 16% of their field goals, while Kansas was making 33% of their attempts. School B played the closest game from the score standpointe Their loss can be credited to a poorer shooting percentage than Kansas and possibly the direct cause of the loss was Kansas' ability to recover the rebounds, the control of which gave them additional chances to score and prevented Toam B from scoring during the added tiné that the home team controlled the ball. School C excelled only in the number of free throws while Kansas had a 63% average in free throwing as compared to a 51% average. Like the total table, this summary table shows that the fundamentals of the game = shooting, ball handling and rebound recovery = are necessary to offone sive power and for winning gomese individual Player Rating During the season a running tabulation was kept on each player who played in the home contests, showing the individual's performance in cach game and his total ondeavors for the soason. (Sample record, Exhibit Be) Since the close of the season other items have been devised, such as ball handling error, playing efficioncy, and scoring ability. These points do not appear on the original tabulation shcetse _ In rating an individual basketball player's offensive ability, many points should be taken into consideration, and the method as a whole needs some modifica- tion, depending upon the position played and the style of baskotball used, Natur- ally, the guards will recover more rebounds from the opponents! backboard than the forwardse It also follows that the forwards should recover more rebounds off their own backboard, and oertainly the center or "quarterback" man will handle the ball more often than other offensive playerse These general trends are apparent as soon aS one begins a n intensive study of the data gntherede The players have been listed (sce Table V, Evaluation Point Totals) by the number of minutes played during the home gamese By a brief study of this table one can sce that there is a high relationship between minutes played and the total number of evaluation points, The next column should have more moaning in that points are considered in relationship to the total number of minutes played. The column on playing cfficicency was arrivod at by the formula givon in the definition of terms (noe 6)e This rating is probably the most meaningful in tho table, but it does not tell the complete storye Ball handling is the basis for offensive ability, and for this roason a ball handling table has been tabulated (sec Table VI).