13. him in 5th place for the squad. In errors for ball handling, he rated first with a rate of 1.135%. As a guard he had an opportunity to recover rebounds off the opponent's backboard to such an extent that he rated Noe 2 for the squad on a basis of rebounds per minute. Hoe passed the ball more than he cought it, and on the basis of shots por minute there are only 3 players who took less shots, This player is 12th on the basis of personal fouls camitted por minute. The data indicate that he was an excellent ball ha ndler, and a good rebound recoverer, but he did not shoot enoughe On the basis of officiency his coach, teammates and freshmen ratod him ninthe Playor He Forwarde Pla yer H was a forward with 7425 minutes of playing time to his credit. He carned 344 evaluation points and 30 score points, made 13 baskets (302%) and 4 free throws (66.7%). This player also had the highest number of shots attempted per minute of playe On the basis of player efficiency he rated 93.0%. But on his ball handling ability he had an error rating of 6.2%, or 5 times that of players A and G. He was the 8th player on tho basis of time played and he ranked 8th on the basis of personal foulse When it came to passing and catching the ball, he made 22 moro catches than passese This player was a good scorer but he shot more than any other player per minute of pla ye He made too many errors in ball handling and in this department he ranked 13th. He rankod 7th on his playing cfficiency, and the players rated him 10th, the coach llth, and the freshmen 12th. Player Ie Forwarde Player I was in the games for 70.5 minutes os a forward, He carned 395 evale uation points and 16 score points, and made 7 goals for 21.2% and threw 2 fouls for 335e3%e On the basis of porsonal fouls per minute he was number one man with less than any other momber of the squade He had a ball handling error rating of 4.0% and a playing efficiency of 91.7% As a forward he recovered enough balls from the opponent's backboard per minute to rank as the Noe 2 man of the squide He also was the Noe 5 man in recovering the ball off his own backboard, and he ranked $Srd on the basis of total recoverics per minutee In the amount of playing time this player ranked 9th and on the basis of playing efficioney he also ranked 9the Like the other forwards, he also caught the ball more than he passed it and ranked Srd in the attempted goals per minute of playing timee This player was good at recovering re= bounds, not too good a shot, and among the 3 players to have an error rating over 4%. He did not commit many personal fouls. He was rated 7th by the players, and 8th by the coach and freshmene Player J» Forward. This man had a playing time of 40 minutese During this time he made 8 score points, 3 goals (16.7%), 2 free throws (40%), and earned 395 evaluation pointse His error rating in ball handling was 3.1% and his playing efficiency rated at 916%. He was 10th in the amount of time in home games and ranked 10th in playing efficienctye As a forward he recovered the ball off his own backboard to rank Srd on the per min= ute basis, and caught the ball more than he passed ite As a forward he was not a good shot as only one boy on the squad had a lower rank and the player who was lower did not make a basket in his five attemptse He was ranked 8th by his tearmates, 6th by the coach and 7th by the freshnone