14 Player Ke. Guard and Center. With a playing time of 59.5 minutes this playcr made 297 evaluation points, 5 scoro points, 2 goals (25%) and 1 freo throw (500%). His crror rate in ball handling was 264% and of the 5 players with a better rating 3 were guards, one was a forward, and one was a eontere His playing cfficicency was 74.3, and of the three players who ranked better than he, two wore guards and one was a centere In re- bounds off the opponentts backboard, he rated llth and in goals per minute he ranked 12th. This player had some excellent men to compote with and on a team without an OlleAmerican guard he might have had more opportunity to playe Like the other guards and centers, he passed more than he eaught the balle On rebounds off his own backboard per minute he ranked 8th and he ranked 6th on the recovery per minute of a teammate's jump ball, The data indicate that this player was a good ball handler and an efficient player, but that he did not shoot enough in proportion to his playing time. He was rated 12th by his tearmates, and 10th by the coach and freshmene Player L, Guard. This boy had a total time of 34.5 minutes, 120 evaluation points, and no score pointse He is the only player of the 13 in the study that did not score during the home season, He attempted 5 goals and 2 free throws, His error rate in ball handl- ing was 3.3% and this was better than four of his tearmates who played longere From the standpoint of playing efficiency he made a score of 84.5%, the lowest on the squad. The point most in favor of this boy was his rank in free throws attempted per minute (not mking any) in which he was tied with Player J for Srd places. This player ranked the lowest of the guards and was the only one to catch the ball more than he passed ite He was rated llth by the varsity and freshmen, and 12th by the coache Player Me Forward. This player ranked 13th in minutes of play (22¢5), earned 11% evaluation points and 4 score points. He made one goal (33.23%) and 2 free throws (6607%)« He ranked 10th both in player efficioncy (915%) and in orror rate 364%. He had the highest rate of personal fouls per minute of any of the 13 boys. This player had a very definite height disadvantage as he was by far tine shortest man on the squad and can be considered small in stature even in comparison with boys not play= ing college basketball. He was ranked 13th by all his fellow players and 135th by his coache The summarics have been presented and discussed in the body of the paper. In addition, some general conclusions seom to be warranted: le Tho study is of valuc in that a record was made of the number of tines various activaitics are performed in college basketballe 2e An accurate record of the offensive abilities of players was made available, independent of the score booke 3e By examination of the material after a game a coach can sce which monwre pore forming their duties and which fundamentals need oxtra worke 4. Tho players have a definite interest in the charts and wateh their improvement in deficient abilities. 5. Thore remains ample room for additional studiase