26 SIXTH ANNUAL CONVENTION AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 P. M— Presiding: Ruth Hoover, University of Kansas. Trends in Service Offerings of College De- partments of Physical Education for Women. “The Present Status of the Requirement in Physical Education”: Dr. Monica Wild, Iowa State Teachers College. “The Guidance Plan of Stephens College”: Helen Parker Nelson, Stephens College. “The New Orientation Program at the Univer- sity of Minnesota”: Catherine Snell, Univer- sity of Minnesota. Discussion Leader: Edna McCullough, Kansas State Teachers College. EVENING SESSION 7:00 P. M.—Dinner (formal), Dakota Hall, Vermillion. Presiding: Gladys E. Leonard, University of South Dakota. Speakers: Eva Glassbrook. Dean of Women, University of South Dakota; Ruth Diamond, Municipal University of Omaha. TUESDAY, MARCH 28— MORNING SESSION 9:00 A. M.— —Presiding: Helen G. Saum, Kansas State College. Report on Recreation Questionnaires: Louise Kuhl, Doane College. “Weight Distribution in the Human Foot”: Dr. J. T. Manter, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, School of Medical Sciences, Uni- versity of South Dakota. “Progressive Education on the College Level”: Helen Parker Nelson, Stephens College. Open Discussion and Questions.