Central District Physical Education Association FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION NICOLLET HOTEL Minneapolis, Minnesota March 30, 31, April 1, 2 1938 Kk * OFFICERS Presidént 225643 es ee ee es Alfred O. Anderson Director of Physical Education and Recreation St. Louis, Mo. President-Plect.:.¢.6. ose.) 0 Elizabeth Halsey Head, Department of Physical Education for Women University of Iowa, Iowa City, lowa Vice-President: 5.633 sess ee eee Willard N. Greim Director of Physical Education, Denver, Colorado Secretary. [reasurter. 25542 0..4 e L. P. Washburn Director of Physical Bduestioa for Men State College, Manhattan, Kansas Past President (55-62 ss a es Edna McCullough Professor and Head, Department of Physical Education for Women, State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas Member at-lbarees3\ eo ee es J. H. Morrison Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen, S. D. Gonvention Manager. 2230 = Ses Ralph C. Tapp. Supervisor of Physical Education and Director of Athletics, Board of Education, Minneapolis, Minn.