%, “Studies in Reaction Time Before and After Strenuous Exercise” —Mr. E. R. Elbel and Mr. J. H. Raport, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. “Heart Size and Endurance in Cross Country Runners”—Dr. A. J. Wendler, Department of Physical Education, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Business Meeting. “A Report of Progress in the Study of Recreational Therapy—Dr. Granville B. Johnson, Professor of Physical Education, Univer- sity of Denver, Denver, Colo. “The Relationship of Poise and Body Mechanics to Dancing, Tumbling, Swimming, and Diving”—Mrs. Theresa Anderson, Department of Physical Education, North High School, Des Moines, Iowa. “A Study of Various Methods of Rating Physical Efficiency as Based on the Response of the Heart to Exercises of Graded In- tensities’—Mr. Rusell E. Dickinson, Director of Physical Edu- cation, Marshalltown High School, Marshalltown, Iowa. Discussion. PLAYGROUND and RECREATION SECTION 3:15 to 4:30 P.M.—Ballroom. Chairman: Mr. Victor C. Dunder, Supervisor of Physical Education and Recreation, Duluth, Minn. Summarizer; Dr. Elizabeth Graybeal, Director of Physical Educa- tion for Women, State Teachers College, Duluth, Minn. “Recreation Marches On”—Mr. Ernest W. Johnson, Superintend- ent of Parks and Playgrounds, St. Paul, Minn. “A Summer Rural Recreation Program”—Mr. B. G. Leighton, Director Extension Department, St. Louis County, Virginia, Minn. “A Summer City Recreation Program”—Mr. Glenn Card, Stowe Junior High School, Duluth, Minn. Discussion and Questions. Election of Officers and Business Meeting. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC SECTION 3:15 to 5:15 P.M—Women’s Field House, University of Minn. Demonstration Program Chairman: Miss Edna Willis, Department of Physical Education, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. Summarizer: Miss Katharine Irvine, Marshall High School, Min- neapolis, Minn. 1. “Badminton—Aerial Darts—Organization of a Large Class in Individual Sports’—-Miss Edith Barton, Teacher of Physical Education, Edison High School, Minneapolis, Minn.—Group from Edison High School. 2. “Speedball”—-Miss Helen Manley, Supervisor of Physical Edu- cation, University City, Mo.—Group from Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn. 3. “Touch Football for Girls’—Miss Eugenia Ziemer, Teacher of Physical Education, Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn.— Group from Central High School. [19]