77th Bomberdment Squadron AsP.0. 942 Seattle, Wash. April!14, 394¢ Coech Phog Allen University .of Kenses. Lewrence, Kenses . Deer Corch Allen: In a discussion of defensive rebound work in which severel of the basketball- minded officers of this post engaged, the question srose as to the percentage of rebounds recovered by the offensive end defensive tesms. Without any date | to substentiste cny of our opinions, we were unable to come to anything like e definite conclusion, and therefore decided towrite to someone who might have some fectual dete or figures on the subject. We would appreciete any, meterial thet you might be able to give use 3 a . Also we ere desirous of securing some date on the emount of time 2 team expends from the time it secures the ball from its defensive bankboard until it’ loses. the ball to the opposition in the forecourt. GO GME ai OE! sangre “ee Thenking you for eny meteriel you might be sble to give us, 1 feme@in . |. $i lh a J ke Accola