lle 136 14. 156 16. 17. 18.6 19.6 206 =2e Is employment in this field permanent? Yes, usually. What effect has the war had upon this occupation? Has greatly emphasized the need for physical education; created a greater demand for trained teachers and leaders in this field. Do you consider this field an overcrowded occupation? No. Are there any health hazards in this work? It is strenuous work. One needs good health to undertake it. But one to be most successful needs that in any work. The health assets far outweigh the hazardse At what age must one stop working? No age limits; may change from such active work into administrative work. Some systems have 60 = 65 = 70 age limite Will there be a rather large number of openings during the next six years? There is and will be a great opportunity for positions in the next few years. Are, there any professional books or magazines you would recommend? Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation ceamectan’s Scholastic Coach and Athletic Journal (magazines); Modern Philosophy of Physical Education, by Agnes Wayman (book); A Textbook of Physical Education, by Williams and Morrison (book). What are the trends within the field? Greater psycho=physical ieee’ for each individual; emphasis upon physical fitness and rugged team sports; calisthenics and body building exercises; recreation = comunity recreation; individual differences; democracy through physical educatione What are the advantages for this occupation? Opportunity for helping develop children and adults so they may live a fuller and richer life; healthful; much of it outdoors ; pleasant associations and friendshipse What are the disadvantages of this occupation? One's work is never done; long hours; advancement somewhat limited; pay not high; coaches are often required to produce winning teams or lose their jobs.