o2e 13. Wheat effect has the war had upon this osteo aa _— fort = 13. Do you consider this field an overcrowded — va 2 14, Are there any health hasards tn Gite work? 230 ile 15. At what age must one stop working? — po yal ames Khe b--Cbe oe een —ee pl ee F Sag larg. 16, Will there be a rather large number of openings during the next six years? yf 17. Are. there any professional books or magazines you would recommend? ee as Ae ecx | appre ble ene 18. Do you know workers in this field in Ft. ne that one could aici interview? —_— SF ws oe 19. What are the trends within the field? J {7 Che Soe hens Re , Ce ae eal 2 ee 20, What are the advantages for this occupation? 21. What are the disadvantages of this occupation?