, § \ ‘ 13. "cat effect wets the war had w this occupation? et os p 13, Do you consider jaf an overcrowded occupatioh? 14. Are there - health hazards in 1) ye | bentth ae a e must one s et ‘ 15. renters t top working? aes, ) fix > j — ‘iia Lia Cia 40-65-70 16, Will there be a rather large number of s during the next six peer I Ebewae Bey coal Re phe nriy iy oes nt ie co 17. Are there any professional books or magazines you would recommend? Z /) oe fiance = Tay 18, Do louis know rod, in this field in Ft. Scott that one could profitably interview? favale- Gadd Keke. OM: diaobaaty ja OS 19. What Lo the trends within the field? é fee peti ae 206 ae are the advantages for this depeig 21. What are the ee of this occupation? ie ps ape eee