: - bet gR.M.BISSELL, GHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS. PRESIDENT. CY OOS N N N Hartford Accidemt and Weta, oe = AS SI NG AS NSW NI RY RK \ N S S EX FS S AS HOME OF FICE.—HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT PAYROLL AUDIT DEPARTMENT KANSAS CITY BRANCH OFFICE TELEPHONE. VICTOR 1627 W. L. CALHOUN PAUL A. DOW, MANAGER SUPERVISOR FIDELITY BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI November 21, 1945. Dr. F.C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Doc:- The tickets you and Mr- Falkenstein sent arrived just now and I really am more pleased with end zone seats than with some behind a post like &he ones we had last yeare Many thanks to you both for sending theme As Wimpy would say, I'd gladly mow your lawn, if you had a lawn to mowe I'm going to do better than thate I am getting some pecans from Texarkana, Texas, and they're the large Mahan brand, usually about as long as one's forefinger(I shan't make comparisons with other parts of the anatomy) and some fine day I'll drop down there with a handful for each of youe : Regards, LC eee i Lee Calhoune PAUL RUTHERFORD,