May M4, 1945. Mr. Bob Cowen, ; \ 505 May fair, : : Re Heinze, P.O. Box S5l, Arlington HtB eo» Tll. Dear Bob; , I have your postcard which was addressed to the Basketball Coach of Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, Kansas State College, Pitts, Kansas. 2 For your inform.tion, we are at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. ‘The Kansas State College of Agriculture is at mattan, Kansas. At Pittsburg, Kensag, they have a Teachers College, as well as Teachers Colleges at Hays and Emporia, Kansas, The University is.a@ group of colleges and we have the volleges of Medicine, Engineering, Journslism, Law, Fine Arte, Pharmacy, and Liberal arts. That is why they callus the University. | Tt is nice of you to write expressing your pleaswre at the uphill fight we made in trying to win the Big Six championship. Iowa State was as hot as the proverbial fire-cracker against us, as they hit 35% of their \ _ shots that night, when their season's average was 24%, However, Coach _ Louis Mense, the Iowa State coach, is one of my old boys, and while Kansas would liked to have won the championship, they were pleased indeed that one of my old players was able to coach the championship team. Coach "Duteh” Lontote of Northwestern University, Coach Adolph Rupp of Kentucky, and Coach "Frosty" Cox of Colorado, are some of my other coaches out in the coaching field. ; ba of - I regret that we do not have a uniform of our basketball team that we could send you. Equipment is so difficult to get that we have had great- trouble in getting enough to equip our boys. We wear woollend and not | rayons. The rayon looks flashy, but to me it has always looked like a bathing suit or equipment for a chorus girl. We wear woollens because they retain the heat of the body better and are better protection of the players, and then I think they are more compatible with an athletic uniform. They are not so flashy but are more substantial. ae Thanking you for your good wishes, and regretting that we cannot comply with your request, I am . : i Very sincerely yours, 3 : Director of Physical Education, POA:AH ; Varsity Basketball Conch,