Beginning at 1 o'clock on Wednesday, May 25, in the Community Building and lasting till Saturday evening, there will be a chest X-Ray clinic. This will be one in the series of such clinics held and to be held in Douglas County with the idea of detecting cases of tuberculosis sufficiently early to make it possible to do something worth while about them. It is expected that the public schools of Lawrence will be served Wednesday afternoon and evening and Thursday forenoon. There will be occasional short vacant periods during this time when others might be attended without waiting long. It has been found more convenient as well as time saving for everybody to take the people in groups. Please call in, 462, and make an,apnproximately, appointment for your group. Regular operating hours will be 10 to 12, 1 to 5, and 7 to 9. There are separate dressing rooms for men and women. Friendly assistants will be in attendance. We hope to have arrangement for taking bloods for serologic tests. There will be a view-box and continuous clinical explan- atory lecture. We are fortunate in getting X-Ray film for this clinic. The war needs have made it impossible for many people to get X-Rays as they desire them. H. Le Chambers, M,. D., Director Douglas County Health Unit Lawrence, Kansas