1050 Bast Avenue Rochester, Ne Ye Fevruary 8, 1942 Dr. Forrect C. Ailen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dea: Dr. Ailen: I am certainly glad to extend my congratulations »O you for having wuilt up and interwoven five fellows invo another great K. U. championsnip oasketuail machinee As I hear of each of che eousecutive successes vf uhe team, I feel more proud that I had my baskevuball, and possibly a little philosophical tutelage under you. AS yuu undoubtedly expect but probably cannot visualize, i have been enjoying more than mvuderate Success in the Ruchester Industrial League. From my pivot post on the Kodak Office team, i have been avle to score 194 points in 14 games. Best of all i have capitaiized on 57 of 41° charity tosses. i have at least created the impression chat Dr. Allen teaches his poys to make freethrows, and 1 can certainly testify to the absoiute truth of that impression. I am certainly enjoying my work with Hastman Kodak Co. and have been advanced up through the stages of second and firsi buokkeeper, and accountant, until i now-have the compiecte responsibility of the accounting involving all our outlets in one geographical section of the U. 8. which includes 14 eastern states. J certainly hate to give up th&s position but one my age can never hope to stay in a position Long with the international Situation at such a crisis. Granted that we Amer- icans have held the Japanese in suspicion for a iong vime, but whoever expected the machinations wniich cuhese men of the Rising Sun have sprung upon US. 7 Last Saturday I enlisted in the V 7 of the Naval Reserve. After serving a three months period at