‘ea SNS LS A iE eR LAI HD RPE TE TE OP NED LENE ALD hE TS ‘ “ Ts Say REY PORE AFA PERTTI ET LL AT EE A RET AE FLOOD CONTROL - For several months the Committee has azeres- Hd Abels, Chairman sively been working with the various interests in the Lower Kaw Valley, the Blue River Valley, Greater Kansas City and the United States Army Engineers in a broad program designed to give flood protection to the Kaw Valley. Various plans are under consideration; some of them providing for navization and possibly power, depending largely on the size and tyre of reser- voirs to be built. While there are many factors to be considered and agreed on, everything indicates a determination on the part of those interested to unite on a program so that work may be started soon after the war. From the very beginning the only interest and activity of our committee has been flood control. GOODWILL - The Rural Acquaintance Smoke established some years J.GeQuigley, ago as an annual event to bring about better ac- Chairman quaintance, understanding and good fellowshin be- tween town and country will be held again this year, the date to be announced later - probably early in March. Last year the event was cancelled, largely because of the difficulty in getting food for the thousand to twelve hundred that may be expected. This year Joe and his committee say that it will be done somehow. May be short on food but long on entertainment and good fellowship. HOUSING - This Committee in co-operation with Hercules Of- F.C.Whipple, ficials and others has been working for months to Chairman locate as many families as possible in Lawrence who are essential in the operation of the Sunflower Ordnance Works. Our duty is to help maintain production schedules on rocket powder and other ex»losives that are so badly needed on all fronts. The crying need is still for more houses and aoartments. The Chamber Housing phone is 1004, INDUSTRIAL PLANNING - The Cormittee has been negotiating with sev- C.c.Hesse, Chairman eral industriai prospects and right now is \ trying hard to secure a suitable building to house the operations of one of the nations leading greetinz card manufacturers. Recent advertising and publicity produced a great deal of interest on the part of Lawrence women and girls willing to vork for tris concern. Floor snace requirements and other facili- ties are such that the Committec is having difficulty on location, LEGISLATIVE - The No, 1 job of this Committce every two years is Rob't Rankin, to assist in the matter of appropriations for the Chairman University. Because of transportation difficulties ' and other factors, it is not praetical to invite the entire Legislature to visit the University as has been done in former years. Arrangements are now being completed for the ‘ays and Means Committees of the House and Senate to visit the Univer- sity Tuesday Afternoon, February 13th; inspect the buildings, re- ceive information as to needs; dinner at the University and attend the basketball game in the evening. The Chamber of Commerce has agreed to furnish the necessary transportation. MESTINGS = ° Solon and his Comnittee deserve great credit for a Solon Ayers, splendid series of strong programs curing the fall Chairman months. From now until hot weather when regular meetings will be discontinued, the Committee has some important meetings scheduled with top-notch speakers, all dealing with subjects of vital importance to this community. MOMBIRSHIP - Our hats off to Joe and his two team captains, JeGeQuigley, Ship and Mike, and to the hustling members of the Chairman two teams who brought in 50 new members during the recent snappy one-cay campaign. Several mors have been secured since the campaign ended. If you know of a good pro- spect, call the office, 485,