SFORTS - The Committec's most recent activity was in Dean Allen Reese, connection with the sale of tickets downtown Chairman to the football banquet last Friday night hon- oring the K.U. Team and given by the Athletic Department at the University. It is the intention to make this an annuel event at which alumi, svorts writers, faculty members, bus- iness and vrofessional men of Lawrence and other friends of the University are given an opportunity to attend and honor the boys who fight for K.U. TRANSPORTATION - The Committee deserves much credit, and the Jos Wilson, Santa Fe Trails Transportation Company our thanks, | $ for installing the greatly improved bus serwice between Lawrence and Sunflower Ordnance Works. This improved ser- vice permits hundreds of residents in Sunflower Village and the barracks to take advantage of Lawrence shopping facilities, medical, dental, beauty shops, barber shons, garages and other services necessary to workers at the plant. MANPOWER COMMITTEE - This Citizens Committee headed by Dean Dean F.T.Stockton, Stockton, Chairman and Riley Burcham, Co- Chairman Chairman has been a potent factor in stimulating employment and reducing termin- ations and absenteeism on the part of Lawrence residents working at Sunflower. Results of the Sommittec's efforts are now bearing fruit and should be an even more important factor in makine us all conscious that our No. 1 production job here at home is Sunflower. CIVIC ACTION COUNCIL - The Council got action on the first job Dr. Fe Ce Allen, Chairman it undertook: Securing the funds to em- ploy full time Service Officer to Co# ordinate activities and assist veterans of World War ii with tneir rights and opportunities provided by the G. Ig Bill of Rights, ‘fhe Selective Service Board being designated to get the program under way in co-operation with the State Department on Vetcrans Adminis- tration and the Veterans Bureau of the Federal Government. ADVERTISING AND In recent months we have noticed a marked let- SOLICITATION: down on the part of businessmen in supporting various advertising and solicitation schemes with- out first asking and demanding the approval of your secret com- mittee on advertising and solicitetion, This Committee has saved Lawrence business firms thousands of dollars by carefully analyzing and refusing to approve the scheme as presented. This is the way. the plan works: Every request for advertising or solicitation not already on the approved list at the Chamber of Commerce Office, and without a letter over the signature of the secretary stating that the Committee has examined and approved the plan, shoulc be referred to the Chamber of Comrerce office for the proper proce- dure. This is for your protection and is an obligation on your part to co-operate with your fellow merchants in ploving the game aecordins to the rules, COMMUNITY Our supply of Lawrence folders is exhausted. A special FOLDER Committee consistins of Armin Woestemeyer, chairman, Solon Ayers and Fred Clisworth has been eppointed by the President to be responsible for the publication of an attractive community folder at the earliest possible date. COMMUNITY In recent months conflicts of important community CALENDAR activities have eccurred. We do our best at the Chamber office to maintain a community calendar and if you 0o¢e- lieve this is important, will you please check with and register all important meetings and events at the Chamber effice. This is for your protection and will help bring about better team work in the communitye