tte Merion Barlow, Dear ire Barlovw: Confirming our conversation this morning, we shall be very happy to have Mre Ae Ee Bagley speak to our Physical Education students here et the Universitys ee ee ee to me which might be of interest in plaming his programe I think it would be splendid if i. bagley could speak to ti Sesuak Club, composed of mijors in the Department of Physical Educations “There are about 90 of these students, end at a dinner meeting we cen commt on more than 60 attend- inge In this wy %%. Bagley could reach many more of the students than he could by speeking in one or two of the classes, The regular monthly meeting of Sasnak Club occurs the last Thursday of the month, and if Mr. Bagley could be eee ee + ee ee ee ey nectinges Bech Thursday evening throughout the school year the Department of Physical Education sponsors a radio program over KPKU from € to 6:15, in a series which we call “Physical Bdueation for Health". ‘The various members of the department collaborate in giving these — troadeastse If Mre Bagley is to be here on Thursday even= ing, November 17, we should be delighted to use him in this eee aie at ce as f you wilt let ne knew when - groups to speak to.