MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST January 25, 1945 4:45 PM Chamber of Commerce Mr. Lisle Eby, President, presiding with the following members of the Board present: Ee de Coy Mrs. Deal Six Dr, F. C. Allen Pearl Carpenter Wealthy Babcock W. T. Allen Mrs. Caryl Dodds Re S. Fox A. Ee. Woestemeyer A. W. Berger George Lowman _John Brand M. N. PEnny George Hedrick President Eby called the meeting to order end dispensed with the reading of the minutes and announced that this was a special meeting of the Board to take up a matter which it was thought should come before the Board prior to the annual meeting. Mr. Eby then called on Mr. John Brand to present the matter. Mr. Brand stated that this special meeting of the Community Chest Roard of Directors was called to consider a recommendation made the evening before at a meeting called by F. 0. Allen and Cecil Hough, Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Civic Action Council, which was attended by representatives of the Council, Community Chest Board of Directors and Budget Committee, Community Service League and other interested citizens of the community. This group met to consider the advisability and practicability of opening an office. in Lawrence for the servicing and handling of discharged World War II Veterans, At the conclusion of the discussion, on motion by George Lowman, seconded by George Hedrick, the group decided to recommend to the Community Chest Board thet some $1800. be allocated from the National War Funds on hand; that this fund be placed at the disposal of the Selective Service Board of Douglas County to set up a service officer and pay expenses incidental thereto. It was thought that in the future a member agency to cover this need should be set up and formal application to the Community Chest Poard made to raise funds to continue such office in the future. Mr. Brand then moved that the Community Chest Board appro- priate #1800. from the National War Funds and that it be allocated to the Dougles County Selective Service Board for the purpose of employing a full time special service officer and paying the ex- penses incidental to the operation of the office, and that the money allocated be subject to the request of Ogden Jones, Chairman, and Fe. Ce. Allen, Secretary, of the Selective Service Board as needed by them. This motion was seconded by Mr. Penny and carried unanimously. Mr. Brand then moved that the Board go on record of being ever- lastingly grateful to Mrs. Stockton and her conmittee for their ad- ministration of the Community Service League and that the President write her a letter of thanks. This motion was seconded by Dr. Allen and carried unanimously. Mr. Woestemeyer stated that the Community Service League hed been disbanded; there being no immediate need of the service per- formed by this organization, and that the balance of funds on hand would be returned to the Board as soon as the expenses were paid. Mr. Woestemeyer tendered to the Board the report and financial state- ment of the League and asked that they be received and filed. This was Gone and the original report and financial statement are attached to the official filed copy of these minutes. Dr. Allen, seconded by Miss Carpenter, moved to adjourn the special meeting ~- carrie? unanimously.