ee (V7) oi. it s J No, 2 | Lawrence ; ee February Kansas Py hae >, L945 Sy . ABOUT HEALTH THE DOUGLAS COUNTY HEALTH UNIT, City Hall, Massachusetts Street, at lith, functions da ily from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Come in and-tell us your troubles, me St $4. 32, B4. iz, t * ri % * rh * *” If two or more people wish to talk about something, they must have a common vocabulary, i.e. they must have some words that mean the same to each one in the group. To be sure, some thought transference can -be had from the context, from tones, and-from gestures, but the gene eral truth remains undisputed,--they must have a vocabulary in common. DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS is a formidable looking word and means by its etymology a "inowing through". A word often associated with it means a “knowing forward", i.e. a prognosis. If you do not know either now or sub- sequently, you are an “agnostic". Diagnosis has been defined as dis- tinguishing a disease from its symptoms. A differential diagnosis distinguishes a disease from other diseases with which it might be confused, i.e. does this patient have. typhlitis, perityphlitis, per- itonitis, diverticulitis, or appendicitis, etc. Other adjectives are used, such as clinicai, laboratory, X-Ray, physical, according to the place, means, or viewpoint of the making. An interesting veriation is the negative diagnosis in which one seeks to render assurance that the patient does not have tuberculosis, lues, malaria, or what have you. Many people are more interested in knowing the names of their ailments than in doing something about them. It thus happens that some people refuse any treatment until a diagnosis is made and others stop trea tment when it is made. SURGICAL SURGICAL abdomen is any condition of the abdomen requiring an opera- tion. This diagnosis can often be made long before an accurate de- cision can be reached as to what, exactly, is the condition. Any penetrating wound of the abdomen demands opening and exploration, with, of course, doing what is indicated. A blow or kick or fall often causes a surgical abdomen and the sooner the operation is done the greater the probability of saving a life. Some acute and serious inflammation may develope and require operation. If in any doubt at all, call a surgeon and follow his advice. SOME $63.00 WOKDS SOME $635.00 words. Please do not miss them. Do you know what phth- riasis is? It is a synonym of pediculosis. Any one can have this fearsome sounding disease. As applied to one's person the correct common word is pediculosis (accent on lo) used as a noun, i.e. he has