The law would provide for distinctive coloring of certain poisonous substances to identify them from food products and would provide for penalties for violation of the Act. VII. Dental Hygiene Legislation: Purpose: In Kansas not a single tax dollar is budg- eted for the control of dental diseases, which attack 90 per cent of our children, causing pain, sickness, and crippling defects. Because of dental defects, one out of ten of our youth was found unfit for military serv- ice. The need for establishment of adequate programs necessary to prevent the wide-spread impairment of health caused by dental disease, is obvious. What the law would do: Establish, within the Board of Health, a Division of Dental Hygiene for the pro- motion of a broad state-wide program leading to the early discovery and control of dental caries and other defects in the teeth and mouths of children during their growth period. A section of the Act also pro- vides for an appropriation of $15,000 to carry out pro- visions of the Act. VIII. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Legislation: Purpose: At present the state food and drug con- trol work is carried on under laws nearly forty years old. The old laws were aimed at controlling adultera- tion and misbranding at the level of the local retailer. Preparation of food and drugs has long since passed from the local merchant to the large factory, and the retailer merely serves as a distributor. The purpose of this proposed bill is to provide adequate control measures for present conditions. In the past three years some fifty citizens of Kansas were injured by the use of hair lacquers, several were blinded by eye- lash and hair dyes. The need for the control of dan- gerous cosmetics is apparent. What the law would do: The proposed legislation would parallel the present Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and make it easy for persons in the state doing interstate business to comply with both the state and federal laws. It would permit action against vio- lative products as well as against the person violating the law. It would prevent the sale of dangerous foods, drugs, cosmetics or therapeutic devices. Administra- tion of food and: drug. control would be greatly facilitated. IX. Legislation on Meat and Poultry: Purpose: At present one of our largest food indus- tries is in danger of losing one of its largest markets. gee os