U. S. S. TALUGA & Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif. 19: November, 1944 Dr. F. GC. Alten Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allien, This time I will endeavor to avoid sending you the wrong letter. Perhaps I should be a Frofessor’ - you know absent minded. Say the football team must be on the upgrade. Was happy to hear that we finally pinned Nebraska's ears back, ‘Here is Jack Sands address - Lt. J. H. Sands Bm. 0. 4. 2.5 MAG. Daytona, florida I know that he'll be happy to get the Rebounds. in closing I wish you a successful year with your team. ee yours, ace a Meu 22, AIP Le Me CW OP) fied EA ' LLCECT OR OF AAGNTEAE EDOCPTTOA™ 7 ONT ECR TK OF KANO AT SAWMCENMCE ~ KANT AT gee LIRR OE BALZER Zs 2. wor vy Was Area SS Cee eS aed Aa Aen of Stee | Vea; es @ we Ce DF E20 aw Foam. Zo Oct. eee BBICE SOLES Aaa iep o POY Seg Oo a) Soro | Be a KookeF Seas Poa ee oe ae AE Boer 7 QO es Foor fn es 2 eS aes ate October a? e 1944. Mr. A. B. Campbell, Route 3, — Topeke, Kansas. Dear Mr, Campbell: Iwas glad to receive your letter of the 26th about Jewell. Yes, I remember him very well. Jewell wrote me on September 16th, from the address you gave me, and wo sent him a copy of our Jayhawk Rebounds, a monthly letter — that I write to the boys in the service. I am sending you a copy of this letter. | Jowell told me of the visits ho had with Bort Ttoge in Honolulu. | hah Welling gusta Tidbebid Sa She hawt dor Gane, and will include in it something from Jewell's letter. We are, of course, putting him on our permanent mailing list. Thenking you for writing me, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. 8 Topeka .Kansas,October 26,1944, Mr. Forrest.C,Allen, Atheletic Director, Kansas University, Lawrence Kansas. ces Dear Mr Allen:-, My son,Jewell.M,Campbell,. who attended Kansas University during the years of 1930 -to 34,and was under your dirvections On your base ball team, and track under Dr Hargis, and also Went out for basket ball under John Bunn,-Same year thet you had Bishop on the team from 0k1,,He is now with the Sea Bees,First Class Storekeeper,-now in Navy ,and located near Honaé lulu, 3% aM He tells me that he has met,Bert Otago, who is coach for a High school there in Honalulu,and was invited to attend a game there recently,with attendance of 36.000,also has been out to his home,there and had Luwehfon with Him @n several occasions, as you recall this Boy also attended Kansas “University,and he and Jewell were together on the track team, I am quite sure that Jewell,would - appreciate a short letter from you,there as much as a priged Christmass gift, And I am listing herewith his address, and it is as follows, ( Jewell.M,Campbell, SKC , ABCD. NAVY 128. % Fleet Post Office, San Franeisco,.California, ). Yours Truly. Rt # 3.Topeka Kas, th) Gunes) ( A z Cempbel1, | ee UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD’ | J 7 gS ae iy Re dante Jaa OUremreent FEmNerT se, + rest orene November 25, 1944. Mr. Jack Copeland, Sports Bditor, -The Wighita Beacon, Wichita, Kansas. Dear Jack: I am sorry that I was out of the hotel when you called. They kept vs on the move from the time we got into Wichita until the time we left that night. I had hoped to see you and had counted on making a trek over to your office, but honestly, I never had a second even to call you. I was in the possession of some of the committee from the time I landed wntil the time I took the train for home. I would have enjoyed a visit with you. Hope to see you soon and renew our friendly chats. Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Nu CURTIS A. KOCH, DIRECTOR ROBERT ECCLEFIELD, CLERK E. A. WATKINS, TREASURER WELDA RURAL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS A EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP LEE CORDER, PRINCIPAL Par WELDA, KANSAS 12-6-44 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Ed., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I want to thank you for the courtesies extended me last Monday night at the Washburn game. I had a wonderful time and enjoyed the game and evening very much. I arrived home 0. K. and on time with the result that I feel none the worse for my trip. You have a fine bunch of boys and I am sure you will develop a strong team from them. I surely wish you success and luck and here's hoping you turn the table on Washburn Friday night. I believe you will do it. Sincerely yours, fe Lee Corder. December 8, 1944. Mr. Jack Copeland, Sports Editor, The Wichita Beacon, Wichita 1, Kansas. Dear Jack: Thank you for your fine letter. At the first opportunity, I will get in touch with you and we can have our visit. I think you are quite right in what you say about the effects of the gambling rackets, but I am sure that Ned Irish has not heard the last of this yet. More publications will take cognizance because the gambling evil has not abated by any mamer of means, and big-time promoters are publicising more than they are really promoting cleen athletics. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. LARGEST DAILY AND SUNDAY CIRCULATION iN THE STATE OF KANSAS WICHITA 1, Bec, 7 HOME OF THE WICHITA BEACGN Pr. TiC Allen Kansas University Lawrence,Kansas ‘|g Your expose of ga oe 15. Kich cng out it oy ue stutt ‘yo yu “expose S,except t S basketball was mentioned and the fic Gardene I know it was your deal whi why had : on eee wG Nag e Very a Strong material apvearing in Sp + Trust your bisket all club come: we will meet shortly . ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE The Wichita (aeacon EVENING AND SUNDAY MORNING M.M. LEVAND, PRESIDENT KANSAS 1944 Wichita appearance ties must have clicked. See where Ss 5 ich is as it should bee Nas written around ‘ the Sadist However, along in fine shape and that December 21, 1944. Mr. Ward Colwell, . The United Press, 600 City Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. i am enclosing a copy of a letter I wrote Mr. Hugh Fullerton, Jr., after reading his article on "“Wajor Griffith Scored Allen". | ‘ | You will notice that I have said that I wanted quoting from the letter. I pref. my letter as quoted, as I would Quigley, our Athletic Director, Kansas athletics. SES He 3 fee [i gr ak Sincerely y ows, Director of Physical Education, ' POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Eno. . es 4 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS LAWRENCE GOMMUNITY CHEST December 28, 1944 Lisle Eby, President, presiding with the following members of the Board present: Pearl Carpenter M. N. Penny A. VY. Berger George Lowman Fritz Elvig John Brand A.E,Woestemeyer Rev. T.HeAszman George Hedrick Mrs. Caryl Dodds Mr. Eby called the meeting to order; the minutes were read, and there being no objections thereto, they were approved as read. The Minutes of the Budget Committee meeting on December 22nd were read and the recommendations of the Committee acted upon as follows: Rev. Aszman moved, seconded by Mr. Elvig that the $2911.49 on hand in the Community Chest-ar Fund Account be divided according to the ratio decided upon and that $1,959.90 be sent to the Kansas United War Fund and that $951.59 be given the Lawrence Community Chest. This motion carried unanimously. Rev. Aszman moved, seconded by Mr. Penny, that the $3000.00 of the National War Funds retained for local use .be transferrei to the Community Chest so that it could be administered by the Chest Board. This motion carried unanimously. Mr. Brand moved, seconded by Mr. Elvig, that the allotments to the Member Agencies of the Comuunity Chest be approved as follows, and this motion carried unanimously. ? : : January February March Boy Scouts 125,00 125,00 125,00 Girl Scouts 08.535 58.55 08.55 ¥.M.C.A. 79.16 Ta.l6 79,16 YoW.CoA. 75 200 75.00 75 00 Salvation Army 550.00 025.00 245.00 Social Service League 58.535 08.55 08.53 The next recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee considered was the allocation of $250.00 per month for December, January, February and March to the Community Service League. After a general discussion, it was moved by Mr, Brand and seconded by Mr. Penny to approve the allotment to the Community Service League in the amount of $250.00 for December and $250.00 for January. This motion carried unanimously. It was further decided to resuest a committee from the Community Service League to attend the next meeting of the Board of Directors and outline their program for the coming year and the probable amount of funds needed to carry out the program. Mr, Eby announced that the Annual Meeting of the Lawrence Com- munity Chest had been set for January 25th, 1945. Mr. Eby next announced that the following would serve as a Nominating Committee to fill the vacancies of the retiring Board Members: John Brand, Chairman, Kelvin Hoover, Mrs, Wilfred Hunsinger, A. E. Woestemeyer and Walter Schaal, Rev. Aszman moved, seconded by Mr. Penny, that the Budget Com- mittee be requested to give consideration to the matter of possible investment of the $1565.90 accrued surplus. This motion carried unanimously, Mr. Penny, seconded by Miss Carpenter, moved for adjournment. wé motion carried unanimously. iG aun ania ae keel pey ctl sts niasaaaitil FINANCIAL STATEMENT - LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CEEST December 22, 1944 November 1, 1944, Balance Brought Forward from 1945-1944--- $ 3,898.85 Received from Community Chest-Var Fund 1944-45 Campaign---- _10,555.51 Total to be Accounted for -------<----------- enn ere « $14,452.16 Diss@rsements : November 1944 Allotments ween eee eee $ 920.82 GoMeCiem, Audit ------------------- 40.00 Traylor pene eos Treasurer Bond---- 10.00 Pirst Nat'l Bank, Deposit Box ----- 3260 K.U.Physical Education Dept. waar 11.40 Journal World, Campaign Expense ---= 98,00 Allen Press, Campaign Expense ----- Leet Eldridge Hotel, Campaign “xpense---= Lose Chamber of Commerce, Campaign Exp.=- 15.55 Bank Service Charge for Oct.,1944-- 2 00 Chamber of Commerce, Christmas Activities---- 700.00 Salary for November, 1944 «----<9+«+ 49.90 December, 1944 Allotments --------- 645.82 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City _1998.00 4,517.56 Balance December 22, 1944--------------------------------- 9,914.60 Bank Balance 11-28-44--------------------------- 92-22 ----- $12,827.81 Less Outstanding Checks -------<<<---n eee n ern ce nn nn ennnn 23915e21 Balance December 22,1944 ---------------------- Si x tp # 9,914.60 COMMUNITY CH&ST-WAR FUND 1944-45 Original Budget Amount allocated previously to National War Fund from last year's campaign Allof’ation made Nov. 1, 1944 Total Subseriptions to 436,260.65 War Fund Community Chest Total $20,291.00 $9,852.00$30,143.00 12-15-44 Less amount subscribed but not paid 962.00 Cash Received $35,298.65 Less Budget $30,143.00 Allocation ll-1l daSleeoe S250cre. ou C Byetoele Less amount in cash be- longing to War Fund from last year 364.609 Cash to be allocated ® 2,911.49 67,316% to War Fund 32.684% to Community Chest ToUual Less expenses per allocation on November 1, 1944 Balance Payment to National War Fund $18,445.85 Check No. 10 Payment made direct by Hercules 91,50 Check No, ll 1,959, 90 Total $20,497.25 Amount retained for local use 5,000.00 $23,497.25 Less amount sent direct 91600 Total per above $23,405.75 564,65 564,635 Lbye65.22 614,51 1,879,535 1,959.90 951.59 2,911.49 siidiccibcae $23 ,880.75$11,417.90%35, 298.65 475.00 949.92 1,424.92 $23 ; 405.7510, 467. 98433,873.73 Total paid National : $20,497.25 War Fund Less Budget 20,291.00 Over & 206,23 PROPOSED COMMUNITY CHEST ALLOTM:INTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH, 1945 January February March Boy Scouts 125.00 125600 125.00 Sirl Scouts 58.3535 58.535 58.55 YoMeCoAn © 79.16 79.16 79.16 YeWeCA. 75.00 75.00 75,00 Salvation Army 590.00 025-400 245.00 Social Service League 08.55 08.55 58.55 Total $745.82 #720.82 $640.82 PROPOSED ALLOTMENTS FROM NATIONAL WAR FUNDS RETAINED FOR LOCAL USE FOR DECEMBER, 1944; JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH, 1945, December January February March Community Service League $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 COMMUNITY CHEST BILLS 300 - 3¢ postage stamps ------ $ 9.00 Typewriter Exchange ---------- 65 Express bill, Freida Sellner-- ale Total $10.37 BONDS OWNED BY LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST December 22, 1944 Date of Issue Serial Number Issue Price Maturity Value Nove, 1942 Q166097-F © 18,50 ¢ 25,00 Nove, 1942 Q166098-F 18.50 25.00 Noy,, 1942 C451583-F 74.00 100.00 Nove, 1942 C451584-F 74,00 100.00 Nove, 1942 C451585-F 74,00 100.00 Nov., 1942 C451586-F 74.00 100.00 Nov., 1942 D1L73372-F 370,00 500.00 Nove, 1942 D173573-F 370.00 500.00 Nov., 1942 MS567206-F 740.00 1000.00 Nove, 1942 M367207-F 740,00. 1000.00 Sept., 1943 C655344-F 74.00 100.00 Sept., 1943 C655345-F . 74,00 100.00 Sept., 1943 C655346-F 74.00 100.00 Sept., 1943 C655347-F 74,00 100.00 Sept.s; 1943 D253649-F 370.00 500.00 Sept., 1943 D253650-F 372.00 500.00 Dec., 1944 C1213258-F 74.00 100.00 Dec., 1944 C1213259-F 74.00 100.00 Dec.; 1944 D292227.F 370.00 500.00 Dec., 1944 M772405-F 740.00 1000.00 Dec., 1944 M772406-F 740,00 1000.00 Total $5,587.00 $7,550.00 January 17, 1945. : Mr. Clyde Ce. Coulson, 136 W. Main, Batavia, New York. Dear Clyde: Yes, indeed, I do remember you very well. Your letter is very . chatty and interesting. You sertainly have done some fine work and now you are doing even better work. | | I an glad that you like the sacro-iliae information, but under- stand that the treatments are listed as massage and exercise. . We will be happy indeed to have you return and finish your graduate ‘ work as soon as the war is over. I am turning your letter over to Henry Shenk, who is a Kansas graduate, and formerly taught at Junction City, : Kansas. J am sure that you remember him very well. He played end on the football team, and caught the pass to make the toush down that defeated Missouri in 1927. | | | | 7 I think your project in physical therapy would be most acceptable and a very definite contribution. : I am enclosing a basketball schedule. We are not making many trips.on account of the wishes of the OD?. Wish you were around. It. would be a pleasure to visit with you. : oe - With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | , Director of Physical Bducation, FOA:AH ss Varsity Basketball Coach. 2 do the sre of) 741 ee 7 St Sy joni pf flicelion fe : As alia iene ee aw Wachee wg Hil (742 astock & Var we perk (98 Seve eflereR ai Mar agipornt intr : Se ores : aS Aube tiny Lie ee ne poe Uptioas igans ty GG OES, Sh Dsl Sen lO sek Chae coool a eee feha ira Va ores adhe torre lh ak urbe Aber aos of oe Deeg ee S at do ao bias sr bom ea LM a srrnaw &e meme. 2 oo — ee ecg oe, : ee ahnta aw 4a “4 January 17, 1945. Mrs. Glenn W. Coleman, 400 N. Oakley, Kansas City 1, Mo. Dear Mrs. Coleman: I am very happy to tell you that in 1942 Kansas was ever~ victorious in the Big Six Conference. I would be afraid to say that ‘we were national champions many times because every section always has a national championship team. Nine of our thirteen boys were inducted into the service on March 6th before the national shampion- ship was played. ‘here were many Kansas friends who felt that Kansas could have gone through that year. Kansas has had three ever-viotorious seasons -- 1923, 1936 and | 1942. Ralph Miller played in 1940, and ens ‘that time, and the teams were good. But this United States is a big place, and I would be napeY if someone would say we were the best in our section. I write a letter to the boys in the service, called the Jayhawk Rebounds, =< some fifteen or sixteen pages, and if Billy would like to be put on the mailing list I would be glad for you to give me his address. I will be happy to send them to hin. With every good wish, I an - Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 17, 194E. Mrs Harold We Copp, Director, Winnetkk Commnmity House, Winnetka, Illinois. Dear Nir. Copp: Please pardon me for not answering your commmication of October Sth sooner. Vie have no need for additional help at the present time. I do not look to see any opening in the very near future. However, I assw'e you if one doses osour I will be glad to con- sider your application. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsi ty Basketball Coach. eee WINNETKA COMMUNITY HOUSE > (INCORPORATED) V. J. Killian, Chairman A. Miles Wright, Vice Chairman WInnetKA, ILLINOIS Mrs. Samuel C. Smart, Secretary oo : Donald W. Rogers, Treasurer Director H. K. Humphrey, Finance Officer Harotp W. Copp Mrs. Ayres Boal, Jr. Roy W. Walholm George H. Dovenmuehle Edward Gudeman Kenneth M. Henderson Ralph Horween Mrs. Donald M. Macomber Walter F. Straub W. Lindsay Suter Beverly B. Vedder October 18, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Assistant Director Mary WILiiaMs Recreational Supervisor JoHN GREENLEES Office Secretary Erma V. LarsEN Manager, Community Theatre Burton H. Atrwoop Telephone Winnetka 538 I am completing three years as Director of Winnetka Community House and Camps Douglas Smith and plan to re- enter the educational field, preferrably in the area of health and physical education, before February, 1945. In June, 1941, I sent you a rather detailed summary of my training and experience. I would appreciate hearing from you as to whether there is at present or may be in the near future a vacancy for which I am fitted. Yours very truly, Nail ld. Bay Harold W. Copp HWC ime Camp Douglas Smith - for Girls and Boys - Ludington, Michigan