2 eS aes ate October a? e 1944. Mr. A. B. Campbell, Route 3, — Topeke, Kansas. Dear Mr, Campbell: Iwas glad to receive your letter of the 26th about Jewell. Yes, I remember him very well. Jewell wrote me on September 16th, from the address you gave me, and wo sent him a copy of our Jayhawk Rebounds, a monthly letter — that I write to the boys in the service. I am sending you a copy of this letter. | Jowell told me of the visits ho had with Bort Ttoge in Honolulu. | hah Welling gusta Tidbebid Sa She hawt dor Gane, and will include in it something from Jewell's letter. We are, of course, putting him on our permanent mailing list. Thenking you for writing me, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.