Kans as Cit * Dec. 2l, 1d44 Dear Perks I hope a grt a chance to read the lead editorial in the December 23 Saturday Evening Post, and to meditate upon our fine Phog Allen story that you: tried so insistently to kiss off a few weeks Ago, Sincerely, ee, Ward Colwell, ce--LHP JD'A EJJ WCH Jw es Mr. Glen Perkins Uni ted Press — New BLIND COPY TO FCA: Dear Phog: While not long, I think the above note will serve a good purpose in that, among others, the carbon copies are addressed to Leo Petersen, UP sports editor, and Earl J, Johnson, UP vice president and general news manager. At least, it will focus momentary, and I hope permanent, attention upon our mutual friend, Mr. Perkins, Thanks again for your fine cooperation with Sam and ere in general and for your un leg in this particular situation. Best wishes for the Holidays. 7 yA oy thn, /