Mr’ Bob Comat Ts Hew Yaek' Daily Mieredy 2i% e584 > fee, fie CE sere ee a i iow York Citys Buyers fe A at igs Mua Oe TA vii Pas Teo ae OR) gpd \ Dear Bob: Masia _Time 7evy gonerous and sporting of yor te handle the sttmtion as you did 4m your oolum, “on the Line". ! Pirst, sSentG 0b tty Gait Nell SEAN dink tee tne edb eney . trouble. I consider Ned Irish a very astute and successful businessman. Se ee ee ee ee en eS ee ee ee efficient concerning details as he. ‘ The N.C.AA. group ~ Griffith, 5t. John, Olsen, et ih onal : the ones *that organized the N.C.Ad. basketball comsittes to handle their own tournaments. And in 1940 I handled the Western!N.C.A.A. and the National play-off, and mde them $10,000 at the games in Kansas City. - Oleen had previously lest $5,000 the year. before in the games between Oregen and Ohio State played at Nortiwestern University. a ile Sahn eens MA Chat el, “Ciena bis Ot: irene eS yr saamingromccneapas bie John, Olsen, — ne but that : er here ner there. That is their affair. In 1968 when Ramune played Ferdhan in the Garden, ok: eee in Philadelphia and St. Benaventure's in Buffalo, I made the statement at the luncheon given to the writers at Toots Shor's, that we came to New ee ee ee ee eee etatement. Hany of the boys ever the country like a trip to New Yor'c ee ee ek nn SOEERE Oey Se ERY AERTS | from the officiating in other parts. ° ‘Tem very frank to say that if the ordinary top eastern teau mde : a trip to Kansas City, Missouri, and they were subjected to the western type of officiating, the easterners would be umiliatingly defeated. As it is, there are few eastern taams that have been winning their games in the Garden for the past five years, which, discounting the edge in the officiating, would still uake the eantarners look worse in other areas. Sue Se wan play klk, th is eal. Sik Sl ek el . by the Rule Book. It is.a throw-back from the old pre rules and many of the coaches having been pro players, that influence is still felt. I