Novenber 11, 1940 Myre Loe Ke Anderson, Secretary Oklahom High School Athletic Agsceiation Ukiahoma City, Oklahom Dear Leer Thank you for your letter of the Sth -instant giving us your championship tournament datese Our last game with Okiahoma is on Varech 7 here in Lawrence, and with Oklehoma A, and M» on March 11 here in Lawrence, so I am very sure there will be no conflict in eny way this =) for which I aa truly thankfule I am sorry for the incident which occurred last year, but it could mot be helped, If there would have been-any way in which I could have cooperated with a to-a fuller extent, I assure you it would have been a pleasure to do 80. Thanking you for your liters 3 I Om, Sincerely yours, Mreetor of Physical Béueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAslg Oklahoma High School Athletic Association Member of National Federation of High School Athletic Associations OFFICERS BOARD OF CONTROL R. B. JOHNSON, JENKS, PRESIDENT LEE K. ANDERSON, SECRETARY R. E. CRUDUP, MCALESTER BENNIE A. MCELYEA, HOBART, VICE-PRESIDENT 314 KEY BUILDING W. D. JOHNSON, SKIATOOK DEWITT WALLER, ENID, TREASURER PHONE 7°2744 WALTER P. MARSH, EL RENO OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. November 8, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: It was necessary for us to go ahead and set our tourne- ment dates so that teams could prepare their schedules of indi- vidual games and plan for other tournament dates. We have set March 6, 7, 8 for our final chempionship tournament, so we will be clear of all possible competition with the college play-off. This of course necessitated cutting our season short and a number of our schools are not well pleased. Yours truly, LEE K. ANDERSON, Secretary LKA/f December 12, 1940 Mre Kermeth S$. Adams Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Oklahoma Dear "Eoots*s I em sending you a belated letter of thanks which I wrote Mrs Frank Phillips, expressing my regret at not being ‘able to be present in New York for the informal stag dimer at the Ambassador Hotel, but thanking you both for your thoughte fulnese in asking mos | | Of course it was impossible for me to be with you but I appreciate your thinking of me, and too I was delighted that you showed the eastern boys how it wes doneo It must have been a grand partyo t read Cherles Driscoll ts column in thie morning*s Times about the wonderful party you and Mre Phillips put one It must have been greats : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig ENG o K. S. ADAMS December 13, 1940 PRESIDENT Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear “Phog"™: Thanks so much for your nice letter of the 12th, enclosing copy of one you had written to Mr. Phillips, and your basketball schedule for this winter. I hope it will be so that I can see some of your games. I just returned from New York this morning. Have been commuting back and forth for the last month, and am leaving again next Wednesday but will have some of my work well lined up soon after the first of the year and expect to be able to spend more time out here in the country. I had a most delightful visit with Charlie Driscoll at our party. He certainly is a grand fellow. He told me all about his early days in Kansas and also sent me a copy of his article. We really did have a grand party. I am sending you one of the menus and a basketball folder under separate cover. We had 298 guests at the dinner, all the newspaper men, etc., and had approximately 9,000 at the game, which we felt was exceptionally good in view of the game being so far in advance of the open- ing of the season. It was awfully nice to hear from you, and I want to take this opportunity of extending the Season's Greetings to you and your charming family. Sincerely yours, KSA: EK . ss TE aa TI Ss LET See ee ee ee ee re ; Sa eee _ (s UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS December 15,40 Dear Dr. Allen;- We wish to thank you for sending us to the Show. We went to the Granada. It was swell, and Mrs Wellhausen gave us 10 cents to buys us a drink or what ever we wished. Were going to the Jawhawker. but could not walk that far after our big dinner. Again thanking you, and we will make it u up to you in good grades, and fine basket ball playing, 24 Jedncon —_—_— eS December 17, 1940 lire Kenneth §, Adams President, Phillips Petroleum Coe Bartlesville, Oklahoma Dear "Boots", | I have just reeeived the menu and the line-up brochure, giving pertinent facts regarding your great bali clube I think this is a very cleverly done job and I know you must have had e great turn-out. ; I would love to have been with the celebrities and the celubrities which you had aggregated at that won~ derful ets th Wes eee —e, Gardens Thanks for thinking of mes Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig December 20, 1940 Mite Be Je Teach | . Atlas Athletic Equipment CQe Saint Louis, Missouri Dear lire Teachs I regret that I failed to answer your favor of March 27, 1940. I have unearthed some hidden corres- pondence and ran across your inquirye | " We did not use the brace on Ralph Millerts kmee in our Southern California gamee - I do not lmow from wham you secured the infore mation, but I em afraid it wes incorrects Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach . PCAslg ED. C. STEFFEN PRESIDENT BRUNO J. TEACH, VICE PRES. ALAS AVMABLIG EQUIPMENT COMPANY MANUFACTURERS ‘eet FACTORY ® HOME OFFICE OF ATHLETIC \a/ F 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. AND GYMNASIUM [[ TELEPHONE JEFFERSON 5959 } EQUIPMENT SAINT LOUIS, MO. March 27th, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education & Varsity Basket-Ball Coach, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr.Allen:= It is our understanding that in the great game of last Saturday, in which your team won over Southern California, one of your athletes, by the name of Miller, was enabled to play because of a new type of Knee: Brace. We have this report from our Mr. LeBarge and we are very much ins terested to know your personal opinion of this Brace which we are about ready to place on the market under the name of “Atlas Knee Saver," We would be immensely grateful to have your frank opinion as this is the first time this Knee Brace was used in a crucial moment and your favor able opinion would naturally be of great encouragement to us, : Sincerely yours, ATLAS ATHLETIC December 50, 1940 Sre Aurelio Naranjo Arrendondo Profesor de Edueacion Fisica Asesor Tecnico Apartado Noe 221 la Habana, Cuba Pear Sre Arrendondos: Im reply to your request of December 1, 1940, we @re sending under separate cover some bubletins and pamphlets used by our Department of Physical Tducationes Your letter was addressed to the Division of Physical Education, Kansas State. the mansas Stete College is located at Manhattan, Kansas, It mey be that you desire bulletins and information from Kensas State College, Manhattan, Kensas, but we have sent you bulletins from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, | Kansas, and hope they may be of some benefit to VOUS. 3 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach | PCA slg Republic of Cuba Department of Education National Commission of Physical Educa tion (POST OFFICE ADDRESS. AT THE END) Havara, lro. December, 1940. Division of Physical Uduwation, Kansas State. Rector (or President) of the Institution). Pear Sirs About two months ago I had the honour of sending you the en- Glosed request. As I suppose it was strayed in the mail, I beg you to answer the present one.. IMPORTANT: If that Institution has not the printed matters rc- quest ed ,. please mail a Simple catalogue or bolletin. With best thanks, I am, YY Sd 2 oe ours Yr ect oe Lp fo. POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 3 Sr. Aurelio Nara jo Arredon& Profesor de Educacién Fis ica\. Asesor Técnico. ~ yy Apa rta do Noe 2el. La Habana (CUBA). Republic of Cuba Depart nent of Education ‘National Commission of Physical Education (POST OFFICE ADDRESS AT THE END) Havana, Sep. 25, 1940, Rector (or President ) of the Institution. Dear Sir: On July 25 ult. I hadth® honour of writing you a letter, similar to this one, and to this date I Haven't had the pleasure of your answer, supposing that yours or mine has been mislaid. | Ags I am extremely interested in the pest official organization in my country (Cuba) about the different aspects of Health and Physical E- ducation 4n general terms, both for boys and girls, I beg you to please send me at the POSTAL ADDRESS MENTIONED BELOW, all rules, circulars, pam- phlets, booklets, boeks and other dispositions existing in force on that Institution, relative to the fellowing, regarding all and each one of the various school classifications (Kindergarten, Blementary Schools, Seconda~ ry Schools, Junior High Schools, High Schools and College, or in other words, for the activities of children, youngsters, adolescents and adults )¢ 1)----Command of Groups, ----2)----School Games, ----3 )----Gymnas - tics, in its various systems, methods and plans ,----4 )----Sports, jn diffe- rent glasses, ----5 )--~-Athletics-Track,---~6 )-Direction, Administration, Ingpection and control of the different aspect or problems of the Health and Physical Education in general, 7 Besides the foregoing I am very interested in receiving any Yru- Les, circulars, pamphlets, pooklets, books or other dispositions existing in force in your Institution regarding the following: g )----Legal, moral, intelectual, physical and vocational requi~ sites required for aspirants to become Physical Education Professord,e~=— bp )----Teaching Sohools for agpirants,----¢ )~---Plan of Studies taught on guch schools, divided by school-years, ----d )---- Programs corresponding +0 auch studies,----@ )-~--Organization and operating system of such schools, Finally I would very much appreciate to have as many rules, cir- sulara, pamphlets, booklets and books as could possibly be gent to me a= pout school hygiene and general health education, Hoping to be favoured with an early reply, in an integral form, and begging you to accept the gratitude of the Baucational Authorities of my country and my thanks,f am, Sir, Yours res ectfully: a POST OFFICE ADDRESS: _ | 7 | : Sr, Aurelio Naranjo Arredondo, Profesor de Educacién Msica. Asesor Técnico, Apartado de Correos No, 881. ) La Habana (CUBA), | January 9, 1942 Mre MeFe Ahearn Director of Athletics Kansas State College ‘anha tian, Fansas Dear ifikes I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I have just written to Dre Kinge I could have put your nome on the letter addressed to fr. King and sent you an original and it would have gone for both * yous Sone fellow has said there are three sides to every’ yaa ong your side, my side and the right side, I am — to get near the third sides I an sending you a carbon copy of two statements I gave Horace Wason, our Sports Publicity Direetor, so that you can see that I did not blatantly make a siatement but merely dictated it to my secretary end she in turn gave it to Horace “Nason and he gave it to the newspaper boyse iI. am not trying to blast anybody, but in these days of free speech I am still of the opinion that a fellow has a right to speak his mind without the newspaper men saying he is blasting re head offe