CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WREN BUILDING LAWRENCE, KANSAS Officers GERALD HESSE, PRESIDENT WALTER J. KEELER, 1ST VICE-PRESIDENT HARRY NEVIN, 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT T. J. SWEENEY, JR., TREASURER GEORGE HEDRICK, SECRETARY March 24, 1944 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LUNCHEON Retna ate aR ae TUESDAY, MARCH 28th -- ELDRIDGE HOTEL 12:20 NOON -- 60¢ per plate. SUBJECT -- "BOYS AND GIRLS CITY DAY" This annual event--sponsored by Dorsey- Liberty Post, The American Legion--has become one of the most interesting and important activities in the community. An excellent propram has been prepared by the faculty and students of Liberty Memorial High School. Members of our city council and city depart- ments heads are all cooperating. Attend the luncheon--let our students know about your interest in citizenship and the promotion of good government for Lawrence. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY 5 P.M, MONDAY, MARCH 27th. Cail Chamber Office, phone 485, “s [ h MA wid a oO. Winter, President :