ED. C. STEFFEN PRESIDENT BRUNO J. TEACH, VICE PRES. ALAS AVMABLIG EQUIPMENT COMPANY MANUFACTURERS ‘eet FACTORY ® HOME OFFICE OF ATHLETIC \a/ F 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. AND GYMNASIUM [[ TELEPHONE JEFFERSON 5959 } EQUIPMENT SAINT LOUIS, MO. March 27th, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education & Varsity Basket-Ball Coach, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr.Allen:= It is our understanding that in the great game of last Saturday, in which your team won over Southern California, one of your athletes, by the name of Miller, was enabled to play because of a new type of Knee: Brace. We have this report from our Mr. LeBarge and we are very much ins terested to know your personal opinion of this Brace which we are about ready to place on the market under the name of “Atlas Knee Saver," We would be immensely grateful to have your frank opinion as this is the first time this Knee Brace was used in a crucial moment and your favor able opinion would naturally be of great encouragement to us, : Sincerely yours, ATLAS ATHLETIC