“Mareh 23, 1944. Mrs. C. C. Brown, 22355 East 25rd St., Tulea 5, Oklahoma. Dear Mre. Brown: I am acknowledging your kind letter of the 20th in- quiring about my book, “My Basketball Bible". This book has been out of print for several years, but I now have a now publication, “Better Basketball". This naw book is a very definite improvement over my first text. It will be a pleasure for me to send a copy of my . new taxt, "Better Basketball", duly autographed for your son, Carl P. Brom. I appreciate the compliment he pays me in | desiring to possess a copy of my book. The book sells for $4.00 plus postage, but if you will be kind enough to send a eheck for $4.00 I will be happy to autograph the book and mail it to you postage prepaid. I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.