CHAMBER OF COMMERCE W 8 & N So wu tt & Bee eS A Wee CE. K A Nhe oe. Officers GERALD HEssE, PRESIDENT WALTER KEELER, 1ST VicE-PRESIDENT Harry NEviIn, 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT T. J. Sweeney, Jr., TREASURER Grorcre Hepricx, SECRETARY Ma reh 25 ’ 1944 Dre Fe CO. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Our last Chamber of Commerce Membership Drive was held in July, 1942. With all the other activities of the past two years, we have neglected to call on newcomers as well as others who should be members of the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce. Ship Winter feels that a big campaign at this time would be out of order but he does want us to call ona select group of prospects. We are having a meeting Tuesday morning, March 28th, at 11:00 A.M., Chamber of Commerce Office, to organize this brief solicitation. You have been selected to serve on this special committee. Thanks, Phog. I'll see you next Tuesday. Sincerely, Gorlett J. Cotton, Chairman Membership Committee CC/ef * Board of Directors EDWIN F, ABELS R. R. JACKMAN HARRY NEVIN FRANK T. STOCKTON WALTER VARNUM _ ART WEAVER ROGER WILLIAMS) _ CLIFFORD DEAN _ ALFRED HECK _ GERALDHESSE = —- SIMON HURWITZ _ RAYMOND RICE © ‘GEORGE SPEARS _ _ %. J. SWEENEY, JR. © gs ORE WE 5 SERVE /CARNI IE DEMME STR) RE REDE So) 0G Tee MEMO ORME eyed a ne Pete af ae # ae CT eae CA 2 ao ae gee rue Ue aa eas he ER pat oy al See se Cee ape ee ris Os 2 Pe