February 9, 1944. Mr. Earl Chapman, YocLouth, Kansas. Dear Dutch: I find it has been quite some time since George Casebier and Harry Nevins. I suffered a pretty bad attack of flu the day before the Oklahoma game and stayed in bed until game time; then came out and tried to beat those Sooners, but our boys couldn't throw free throws. : We got ten field goals to their sevon, yet we lost the game when we got three out of eleven and. throws. However, that is water over the takes this year in a basketball way, but we are going down Saturday night to give them a fight - but maybe that is we I am keeping track of the eggs and if you will let me know what the prices were per dozen at the time I purchased them I will send a check. Or, if you are in no big hurry I will reimburse you the first time I see you at the Coumtry Club. But as I said, I had the flu and I have been waiting util I get entirely well before I risk myself out on the damp ground. pay i have nobody to assist me in coaching and if I get sick ‘it is just too bad, so I can't afford it. Anyhow, I want to thank you a million for your many kindnesses to me. I haven't written a Jayhewk Rebounds letter but when I do I will send it to you and to your son. Let me know if there is any change in his address. With all good wishes, I am, as ever, Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. |