THE MAGjJAZINE FOR c 919 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO Caquir December 23rd 1943, Dear “hog: Your letter would have mde a dandy article for us of itself if it md come in sooner. The troble is we're mkire up April now and are out of tasketball, which we covered very weekly this year for lac of material. Horever I am trying to get Mr. Girerich to ran part of it in his Sount and Fury. You have the mly good live basketball controversy that I know of now. Perhaps you noted in ow 00ll that the vublic was for your idea, We are still tryine to put up the old battle on the sportire front here, and somtimes it seeme to gO good and other times bad. There are a lot of angles to ths thing that aren't always apparent, and some that are clear enough aré inexplicable. I think it is healthy, however, gen@ally speaking for new ideas to be bobbire up in sports. Out of them cons improvements. Basketball was saved by the 3 and 10-second rules, and improved as a show by dropping the center jump. There's no reason why it shouldn't continue to improve. Football ami baseball aren't the same games they were 20 years ago, and they're better. I womer ire how it's going to be after the war. If we don't blow up economically, sports should boom with the teturning wets, I believe. Thanks a lot for all the good ideas expressed in yur letter, and I'm hoping Gingrich will fimi a place to present them to the public. Cordially, PS. You might tell Dr. thout when you see him that I ran across Prof. Seldyémridge at a football dinner the St her night. He was schoop speech man when we were at Mii llikdn.