_Enterprise, Noy. 26, 1943, 'Phog Allen Gives Tom Cordell Help Tom Cordell, Wildcat star end | and Oklahoma Six All-conference |cage choice last season, was up at | slice this weekend, expected i back today, and getting the once over by the famed Dr. Forrest (Phog) Allen. Specifically Tom made the visit to see if Allen with. his osteopathic magic, could do something for an ailing knee and shoulder, old athletic injuries, that has been slow to completely heal. |“Phog’s” -long-time national fame. as a basketball coach and athletic, pulpiteer has placed in the back-} ground his established skill as an/| evangelist to ailing muscles; joints | and bones of athletes, but in the “trade” he occupies a niche just’ about par with the late “Boneset-| ter” Reece. That Allen permitted his medica-. tion duties toward Tom to conflict | somewhat with his delight to look | upon prospective basketball ma-/| terial, there probably. is no doubt, since Cordell, with his near 200 | pounds and towering height, al-! though only 17 years old, must/ have given the mentor. some ideas. | At the same time Father Cordell | is a graduate of and a most loyal | supporter of Oklahoma University , yf teams. | The visit with Allen was ar-| ranged by Fred Pralle, one of the | |K. U. coach’s old-time basketball | stars, and now a Sixty-Six member. |