Ense Re Je Chitwood, Douglas Airoraft Company, Ince, Tulsa 2, Oklahoma. Dear Russ: Mire Ogden Jones and I were talking about you the other day and we gave you a sixty-day additional deferment until your comission could be received. ‘e are happy that they have been prompt in notifying you. I will put in my next Rebounds the good nows re- gerding your commission. I ana sending you one of our last Jayheric Rebounds, and we will put you on the list for the . next one which will come out in about a month. Will you kindly write me your address after you are located permanently? I do went to congratulate you on your appointment. You of course are very deserving, wlse you would not have ro~ esived it, but sometimes these coumisaions are slow in forth- comings We are happy for yous , Director of Physical Rdueation, Varsity Basketball Coach.