COLLEGE PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Tecember 17, 1943 Dear Member: This year again, as in 1942, the Executive Council of the Association has decided not to hold a meeting during the Christmas holidays. The im- pertence of elimtreting as much trevel as possible on transportation systems which are greatly overloaded at this time is evident to all. Last year two sectional meetings were held during the early part of the year. In each instance the meeting wes very worthwhile and was considered helpful to all who attended. Full reports of these meetings appear in the Proceedings for 1942. It is planned to hold @ meeting during the annual convention of the Americen Associetion for Health, Physical Educetion and Recreation, which will take place in New York City on April 24, 25 and 26. Another meeting of the Associetion is being planned in connection with the conference of the Mid West Physical Educetion Association. This con- ference is scheduled for April 12-14 in Detroit. President Carl P. Schott is working out details of the meetings with the officials of the two organizations named above. When the plans are completed an announcement will be sent to each member. 35 2K OK OK AC KKK RE KK Frem the results of a brief study made lest spring it appears that the colleges represented by members in the Association are engaged in some form of military training program. In some colleges the departments of physical education have bigger programs to carry on than ever before, In others the military trainees heave made it possible to maintsin programs that otherwise would have been dropped. Although all colleges reported loss of members from their staffs very few indicated at thet time thet they were in any difficulties because of a shortage of staff members. About half of those replying stated thet further loses of men from their staffs would create real problems fer them in trying to carry on the required progrem. Since this study e committee from’this Association, Mr. E. 4, Mercer and “r, D, Oberteuffer, working aleng with Mr. E.E. Wiemen, Chief, Physicel Treining Division, Army Specialized Treining Program, met with Selective Service Officials in Weshington on the metter of meintaining staffs in de- partments of physical education in colleges having militery trainees en- rolled. The meeting resulted in a plan for handling one of the problems faced by directors of departments whose men are being taken for military service, whose men feel that they should seek induction, or should find 4 job in an "essential" industry. The information on this metter hes been mailed to heads of departments who ere members of the Association, . 2 > ok 2 aK KK 2 EK I EK OK AK aK Seasons Greetings to you. Glenn W, 4oward Secretsry-Treasurer.