October 6, 1943. Lt. tel W. M. Camady, USHR, Waval Training School, Aeronautical Engineering, University of Mimesota, Minneapolis, Mim. | Dear Maurice: I was happy to receive your letter and am following your suggestion that we mail Frosty Hardacre a Rebounder. We are always pleased to get a tip as to the addresses of these boys and hook them up with old Mount Oread. It is good to read your ee ee ee ee et re very happy in your delightful location. Kansas football is still facing the vicissitudes of academic inroads. Henry Shenk came in this morning with a rather long face bécause Dean Lewgon of the College has a rule thet any student transferring from another college with a D is put on probation. This boy in particular was a fine student at McPherson High School, averaging 95 to 98 in his grades, but he cams back from Northwestern this sumer with all C's and one D. This is the cause of the probation. I am hoping that the dean will realize that this boy is in the reserve and we are on g wartime basis and not a strictly academic schedule, especially when all the eolleges are letting professionals and everybody else play, regardless. If they take this boy, Carson, out of the line-up, it is bell for Kansas. I am afraid we are not going to get too far this year. Henry Shenk and Elmer Scheake and Dean Nesmith are working their heads off, but no seoner do they overcome one insurmountable difficulty than another jwusps up and stares them in the face. If you do seout Nebraska you might send Henry and Elmer the dope. a ee ee ee ee ree : You ought to be coming our way pretty soon, young fellow, and we will be happy te see you. With all good wishes, I an - Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.