INDIANA UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Publishers of the Indiana Alumni Magazine MEMORIAL UNION BUILDING « BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA Don Hero p, President 155 East 42nd Street October 27, 1 New York City 1 ~ GerorcE F. HEIGHWAY Alumni Secretary Forrest C. Allen , Director of Physical Education and Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen; Indeed I can't understand why mail directed to Pvt. (frozen for the duration) Robert A. Cook, our former Athletic Publicity Djrector, at Keesler Field, Miss. would not reach him. I have checked his address with a very recent communication and it is Pvt. Robert 4. Cook #35145450 Hq. and Hq. Sq. — AAFTS _ Box 8 Keesler Field, Miss. If Pvt. Cook wants to be in good standing when he returns to Bloomington it would be a good idea for him to write me a letter once in a while or I might even squareoff for a few sticks for the Alumni Magazine.