a November 18, 1943 To Members of Phi Delta Kappa: A new school year is underway. Your fraternity invites your suggestions relative to the type and number of meetings we shall have during the present year. A portion of the next meeting 15 to be set aside for your ideas. Kappa chapter, like other fraternal organizations of its type, is finding active members on the campus and prospective members to be few in number. Upon those persons who are here will rest the future course of Phi Delta Kappa. : Our sponsor, Dean Twente, has invited us to his home for a smoker and an informal discussion with Lt. C. A. Mickelman, D-B (£), UbWit, Assistant Commanding Officer of the Navy's V-12 Unit. This meeting is to be next Monday > evening, November 22, at 7:30. Refreshments will be cider and doughnuts. Sincerely yours, Robert !. Cooke, Secretary Twente's home address is : 934 Indiana Street